***UPDATE! Michelle Malkin is one of my favorite authors and columnists around. I sent her a copy of a letter I e-mailed to AG Gonzales about the media's disclosure of the classified SWIFT program, and she republished it in its entirety on her blog on Monday! I am very heartened at the massive response from other readers on this issue, and maybe it will lead to something being done about this. Very cool indeed, good times...check out this link (scroll about halfway down the post) and behold my writing skills, lol:
Via Ace of Spades, this sounds like as rational and reasonable explanation as any as to why leftist partisans in the media and intelligence communities continue to blow the cover on programs necessary to prevent further 9/11 style attacks, or worse. They can't be bothered to see past their own deranged sense of hunger for a return to power to put the welfare and best interests of the country and its citizens, regardless of political affiliation, front, first, and center, not even for a moment. If that's true, then there is no reason these leakers should not be locked up for 5-10 years in a federal pen to think about their lawbreaking ways (see previous post for applicable statutes), although a blanket prohibition on federal intelligence officials talking to New York Times reporters and employees is almost certainly unconstitutional, except in at-will employment states like TN, where people may be fired for any or no reason, so long as it is not for a discriminatory or otherwise illegal purpose.
"The left continues to undermine national security in the most despicable, cynical way. I'm quite sure the reasonable liberals at the NYT and WaPo know full well that programs like this are absolutely vital, and their secrecy is likewise vital. However, they have made the most anti-American and evil sort of decision: While tools like this are vital for saving American lives, they will not permit any Republican President to use them. Only Democratic Presidents are permitted to employ the full panoply of powers for protecting American lives.
It's blackmail, pure and simple. Either let a Democrat into the White House, or we will continue to sabotage American security and, in effect, kill Americans. We will keep secrets when a Democrat is in office, but not a Republican. So we offer the American people a choice: Let the politicians we favor run the country, or we will help Al Qaeda murder you. I don't believe it's politically practicable to arrest reporters. Reporters don't have the primary responsibility for protecting American secrets; and the cries of "Fascism!" would be hysterical should a few part-time reporters/part-time Al Qaeda intelligence agents frogmarched off to jail.
But (expletive deleted -Ed.), the cocksucker liberal partisans in the CIA and NSA have signed contracts promising to keep secrets secret, and voluntarily exposing themselves to long periods of jail should they breach those obligations. It's time to start putting them in jail for 5 or 10 years. If this is all a matter of "conscience" to the terrorist Helpy Helpertons in the CIA and NSA, well, then, they shouldn't mind cooling their heels in prison for 10 years in the name of their "consciences."
Starve The Beast: There has got to be a way to declare, and enforce, a "Death Sentence" for the NYT. A total lockout. No access to any government official anywhere. Impose an immediate ban on any government official in any security-oriented agency from speaking to the NYT. They're already forbidden from disclosing national secrets; but apparently that doesn't matter to them. So just make it a firing offense to even be seen talking with a NYT reporter. Unconstitutional? I don't know. We'll let the courts work it out. In the meantime, fire anyone known to talk to any NYT employee for any reason."
Also, a fantastic smackdown for Abu Musab al-Keller and his band of merry leakers from an angry soldier's momma, at Some Soldier's Mom, with a prize-winning excerpt below, which will most definitely leave a mark:
Some Soldier's Mom
"So, Bill, the next time a group of terrorists drives a few vans of C4 into a building in Iraq and tries to kill my son and the other soldiers in his unit, Im going to call you up and ask you who paid for the explosives. The next time an IED blows up under a Bradley or a HUMVV and kills the soldiers inside, I'm going to call you and remind you that the money that paid for the bomb might have been stopped had it not been for your shi**y little attempt to bolster your newspapers sagging circulation numbers. You should be made to attend the funeral of every U.S. service member killed from now on in Iraq and Afghanistan, Bill, and know that you might have prevented their deaths by NOT publishing the details of secret programs meant to intercept information between the terrorists. You should be made to hear the sobbing of the mothers and wives and families of the service members who are out there putting it on the line protecting your right to write the crap you do and know that perhaps the one transaction that was not seen because of your exposé bought the bullets that killed their son or husband."