I have held off commenting this week about the kidnapping and grisly mutilation of two American soldiers in Iraq, hoping against hope that somewhere amongst the three remaining functional neurons in the otherwise vacant heads of the terrorist aiding MSM and drive-by media that some degree of moral outrage could be directed at terrorist vermin who actually, you know, murdered people. I could have lived with even a fraction of the venom spewed at our military forces with such glee re: Abu Ghraib or alleged murders of "civilians" (who may have been aiding and abetting the terrorists) being directed at these 7th century Sharia savages. As usual, I was disappointed, which then turned to rage at the sight of this cartoon from Mike Luckovitch of the Atlanta Journal Constitution, via this link at the Something...and Half of Something:
(complete with two extra added bonus rants on the same topic, here and here free of charge)
It is disgusting, as it goes beyond merely comparing our troops to mass murdering sludge in the gene pool of life, it actually implies they are worse! This type of moral relativism is not only outrageous, but scary in its stupidity and lack of perspective. All I can say to that, is what, precisely, in the hell is wrong with people like this?! Screw you Mike, you and all your like-minded cohorts for using the freedom of speech American soldiers died for to slander and defame them, all while giving al-Qaida an invaluable propaganda victory. Our country and our civilization is in a hard and dirty fight for our very existence, and this is all you have to contribute...?! Mr. Luckovitch and ilk (gene pool sludge), meet Clorox, some mixture required. The verbal smackdown at the blog site is truly righteous...here are some key excerpts:
"What could possibly be worse than being captured by Al-Qaida operatives? What could be worse than your facial features cut off and/or mutilated, your heart cut out, your testicles cut off, your penis cut off and stuffed in your mouth, your arms contorted and your eyes gouged out, your head sawed off with a kitchen knife, your corpse dumped in the street, stuffed with explosives as a trap to kill your friends and countrymen who come to find you? Why, being captured by the United States of America and having a pair of women's panties put on your head! Or being threatened by a barking dog! Or being stacked with other naked terrorists into a pyramid. Or being put on a leash. ...
Saddam would have chopped off your hands and feet, he would have had your wife and children raped to death before your eyes, he would have dipped you feet first into a vat of acid, dragged you through the streets behind a car, shot you, stabbed you, whipped you with chains, tied you to a tree and beaten you with a stick, electocuted you, or, a combination of the above and then dumped your remains into a mass grave. Saddam would have done the same to Mike Luckovitch, as would Al-Qaida. Congratulations Mike, today, you have promoted the enemy agenda and I'm sure Al-Qaida is grateful for your efforts on their behalf."