Tuesday, June 20, 2006
House GOP Locates Party Backbone on Illegal Immigration, Film at 11
Via Yahoo News, thank goodness for the House GOP, who actually decided to listen to their constituents instead of the Beltway press core and the thronging hordes of illegal immigrant marauders parading through our streets. By over a 2-1 margin, every reputable poll shows that Americans want the border secured first before any discussion of an amnesty or guest worker program. Voters were sold this pig in a poke last time with Simpson-Mazzoli back in 1986, and thankfully some of our elected leaders have learned from this. Most of the Senate and the President are more concerned about being niiiice and understaaaaanding than they are about enforcing the law. Such a stance not only demonstrates incredible political tone deafness, but it's also a shameful show of cowardice and operating from a base of fear, and it's no way to govern at all. No bill at all is much better than the disastrous giveaway that spewed forth from the Senate. Had such a bill passed, it would have guaranteed a GOP loss at the polls in November's midterm elections, as well as cementing in the process a permanent Democrat majority, based on the millions and millions of new Democrat voters created by such an amnesty. Congratulations go out to Reps. Boehner, Hastert, and Tancredo in the House, and to Sens. Sessions, Ensign, and Grassley in the Senate. Keep up the good fight, and hopefully border enforcement first will prevail.