Via Emperor Misha, we get a proper take on the infamous Baker Report, or as future generations might call it if followed, The Great Surrender Document of 2006. Just like evacuating the last people off the embassy roof in Saigon during Vietnam (without the helicopters) right before handing the Vietnamese people over to their communist butchers, our betters in Washington appear poised to once again snatch defeat from the jaws of victory.
Now James Baker, an utterly worthless "diplomat" who not only fathered the idea to leave Saddam in power in the first Iraq war, but is also the name partner in a law firm representing Saudi Arabia against lawsuits filed by the families of murdered 9/11 victims, says we should talk to Iran and Syria (who are helping cause the problems in Iraq), set a timetable to get out (giving the enemy a heads-up as to when to attack), and to leave the Iraqis at the mercy of al-Qaida and other assorted Islamic butchers. I hope the President takes this "report" with a giant grain of salt, and that he sends a few thousand more troops in to crush the trouble areas...killing al-Sadr and wiping out his "army" would help too, but apparently he doesn't have the stones for that. I'm not sure the U.S. or anyone else can soothe or resolve the seething hatred between various Muslim groups. Frankly, at this point, I'm just about prepared to stand back, let the ululating savages kill each other, and us go in the aftermath to negotiate with the winner in the best "you either live with the world in peace or go meet Allah right now" tone we can muster.
"Ah, but of course. Merely creating a defeat and handing the ululating apes an enormous victory over the Great Satanic Paper Tiger isn't enough for Baker's Bunch of Frenchies. Oh no, we have to make absolutely sure that Ahmadinnerjacket and Pencilneck Assad know that they've won by making concessions and granting them legitimacy by groveling before them.
The only rational way of "dealing directly" with psychotic regimes like those of Syria and Iran is by force. Overwhelming, uncompromising force. If you start negotiating with the pathologically insane, you only buy them time to perfect the plans they're going to carry out anyway, making the cost of the inevitable confrontation much more horrible with every passing day of inactivity. I thought that we learned that back in the 1930s, but obviously some people are exceedingly slow learners.
It's not enough for the Baker group to manufacture a total defeat for the U.S., they have to drag Israel down with them too. ... I can't WAIT for that whole generation of worthless, selfish, cowards (bush, Olmert, Baker, et al.) to point up their toes and quit wasting our oxygen. ... Unfortunately, the damage will have already be done, and generations to come will spend decades cursing the spineless weasels for the horrendous costs that their pathological fear of doing their jobs and confronting evil imposed upon them."