Today, the charges against the three Duke lacrosse players who allegedly raped a stripper were dropped by Mike Nifong, a crusading, race-baiting media panderer and politician (but I repeat myself here) posing as a Durham, NC District Attorney. This is no surprise, given that he conspired with the lab testing the DNA recovered from the "victim" to cover up DNA results and withhold exculpatory evidence in clear violation of his ethical duties and the rules of discovery. No matter what happens at a trial (if there is one, which is doubtful given the non-existent credibility of the accuser), the lives of these three young men will never be the same. Falsely accused of such a heinous offense and slandered by the media no questions asked because the "victim" is black and they are white men who attend Duke, this will follow them around for the rest of their lives. Emperor Misha suggests what should happen to Nifong for his zealotry and incompetency, but that will happen about the time pigs fly or a Democrat politician gets convicted and sentenced to jail time for anything.
"Sadly, as we all know, Nifong will face absolutely no consequences for his lawless, criminal behavior, seeing as how he belongs to the royal class of civil “servants” that, for some unknown reason, are immune from the law. Somebody please explain to me how and why D.A.s are immune from criminal charges, even when their behavior is obviously criminal. We already know about royal immunity from the law, but we were under the impression that this country had given up on backwards, feudal “law.”
Obviously we were wrong.
In a just society, Nifong would be disbarred, sent to prison for a very, VERY long time and be held personally liable for every penny of financial damages to the families of those kids. With interest. Compounded. And he’d be working in a uranium mine until every last cent had been paid back or until he croaked from radiation poisoning, whichever happened first.
But we don’t live in a just society, so absolutely nothing will happen to him.
He’ll probably be offered a book and a film deal."