From Emperor Misha, we get a fine recap of not-so-distant history. People never remember that Adolf Hitler laid out EXACTLY what he was going to do in books, speeches, etc. before he actually did it. Millions of people died because no one was willing to believe that he would actually do these things. They were so horrible as to defy the comprehension of reasonable men and went against "conventional wisdom". So now it is, a few short decades later with the howling, scimitar-wielding, barbarians of the "Religion of Peace". All anyone has to do is listen, and they will tell you their exact goals and plans to be carried out in the name of their pedophile prophet...the utter destruction of Israel, a global caliphate under Islamic rule and "law", and dispatching of all apostates and infidels (that would be us) with extreme prejudice. It gets awfully tiresome pointing this out again and again. Misha, myself, and others feel like Winston Churchill from the WWII era, derided as racists, exaggeration artists, and worse...and so it will be, right up until the time an American city or several glow in the dark for the next 10,000 years. It's pretty clear what's coming, and while willful ignorance may work for a while, it isn't a solution. Read it all.
"Out With the Old, In With the New"
There comes a time, in any field of human endeavour, where the paradigm changes so profoundly that any adherence to old "tried and true" principles are not merely ineffectual, they're downright counterproductive.
...any warnings about Islam today are dismissed as crazy and hyperbolic interpretations of the very words of the Koran.
"Conventional wisdom says…"
The most deadly words in the English language.
Conventional "wisdom" made it possible for Neville Chamberlain to keep pretending that negotiations would solve the issue when a prompt response to the invasion of the Rheinland would have ended Hitler's reign in a matter of weeks and saved untold millions of lives. "Conventional wisdom" is also known as "denial." As a result, the world was thrown into a war that lasted for 6 years and ended up making the horrors of WWI look like a diplomatic note of moderate concern.
While the French and the British were busy pondering their conventional wisdom and fighting the last war again, the German Panzers were going through their lines like a hot knife through butter, and by the time they realized that their doddering old fossils of eras gone past were about as useful as screen doors on a submarine, Adolf's armies were at the gates of Moscow.
Just like the Greek held desperately on to the conventional wisdom of the invincibility of the phalanx while the Romans were busy chewing their pretty parade ground formations into bloody shreds with their small unit tactics and individual leadership principles. Just like the Austrians, Prussians and Russians were too busy admiring their massed infantry formations to notice that Napoleon's artillery were turning the nice, huge targets into ground meat. Just like the British and French were sending their troops to their deaths in WWI while the Germans were having a field day overheating the barrels of their machine guns.
That is no different from the situation we're facing today. None of our so-called leaders have had an original idea in at least 30 years, and they're not about to have one if it jumps into their laps and chews their flabby man-breasts off. They're yesterday's news, brought up in an era where we were facing a rational enemy unwilling to sacrifice themselves in an attack on even their worst enemies.
So they continue to treat radical Islam as a rational enemy, something to be negotiated and reasoned with, and they continue stubbornly to live in a fantasy world of their own making where the Koran doesn't mean what it literally says (just as pre-WWII leaders refused to take Adolf Hitler's own words at face value), because they simply cannot fathom the existence of an ideology as hateful as that.
As was the case with Adolf Hitler's death camps, they know full well what is going on, but they just don't want to live in a reality that allows for that, so they make up a fantasy world of their own where they can pretend that a loaded gun pointed at your midriff doesn't really mean what it says. With every fresh outrage, they'll feign outrage and surprise, claiming that nobody could have possibly predicted that.
Denial. It is not a virtue, it is a psychological disorder, and people suffering from it have no business leading a homeowner's association, much less a nation at war against a foe numbering in the billions.
Nobody likes the inevitable conclusions from realizing the true nature of the war we're in, but nobody is served by denying the facts...least of all the millions that will have to die between now and the point where we finally learn the lesson. We can keep pretending that this war isn't what it is, that the stated, literal goals of our enemies and the "holy" book that they follow aren't what they're clearly spelled out to be for anybody who can read, and we can keep doing so for a while yet. But our unwillingness to face reality, our desire to stick our heads in the sand and pretend that we can create a reality more to our liking simply through wishful thinking will only cost more lives.
Just ask the millions who died as a result of our identical behavior prior to WWII. No, wait, you can't...they're all dead, murdered by denial and good intentions. Millions of lives snuffed out unnecessarily, millions of families wiped out, all because mankind wouldn't face reality as it WAS and step up to the plate. Just like the thousands of lives that were brutally ended on 9/11 because nobody could possibly imagine that such a thing could ever happen, because it hadn't happened before, right?
And here we are, making the exact same mistake, deliberately and willfully pretending that we live in a world that doesn't exist because we don't like the reality that we've been dealt. Millions of future lives are in the balance, right now, and if you don't wake up from your slumber and face the FACTS, you will be complicit in their deaths.
It's time to throw out the old brooms, it's time to clear out the cobwebs, it's time to face the world as it IS, not as we would LIKE it to be. If we don't, we'll be as derided and hated as the Chamberlains of old, and we will deserve every bit of it.