Sunday, November 12, 2006
Border Fence to be Defunded...Color Me Unsurprised
The headline from this Washington Times story says Democrats expect to "revisit" the border fence bill that was passed just before the election. Roughly translated, that means the thing will be defunded, scrapped altogether, or changed to some "virtual fence" nonsense that will just make sure that there's a nice video record of the illegal immigrant invasion of the U.S. and the steady erosion of our sovereignty. Outside of a few courageous representatives, there is a complete lack of will in the D.C political class to police the border and enforce immigration laws, and some even want to aid and abet the invasion of a new generation of mostly welfare-dependent, mostly Democrat voters. Republicans just think they are the minority party now...if they allow this invasion to go forward and the invaders to become citizens, they will be the minority party forever, and the U.S. might as well be the E.U. This is a terrible development, but completely unsurprising...God help us.