So yeah, after the U.N. resolution ending the Israel and Hezbollah fighting, said fighting sparked by a Hezbollah attack on Israel in which it kidnapped two Israeli soldiers, the resolution is broken, and nothing happens, including no mention whatsoever of the return of the kidnapped Israeli soldiers. Never mind that there was a prior resolution from the U.N. (# 1559) demanding that Hezbollah disarm. Just like the 17 resolutions on Iraq before that were never enforced , there was no attempt to enforce 1559 either, and there will be no attempt to enforce this resolution should it be broken (see today's events). I am Jack's complete lack of surprise, and the fact that Israel's PM bought this pig in a poke to begin with borders on a nice chunky mixture of stupidity and criminal negligence.
Not only did Hezbollah continue sending rockets at Israel today (albeit in lower numbers), the crux of this resolution was that the Lebanese army would take over southern Lebanon and disarm Hezbollah. On the day the ceasefire takes effect, the Lebanese army goes to take control of the border and disarm Hezbollah, and Hezbollah tells them to shove it and that there will be no disarming going on today or any other day. For extra added bonus fun, France, the "leader" of the U.N./Arab delegation, has said that it will not enforce the disarmament of Hezbollah, saying it is Lebanon's job. Just another day in Vichy France. You know how the old saying goes, "The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting different results." Israel got out of Lebanon, the Gaza Strip, and has done everything demanded by it of the enemies who preach its destruction except cease to exist as a country. Why anyone ever thought another worthless piece of diplomatic paper would ever work, much less solve anything, in the Middle East especially, is beyond me. Read the whole depressing thing, via Ed @ Captain's Quarters.