Courtesy of Doc Russia, a former Marine and now a doctor, we have a very interesting strategy for dealing with the current crisis in the Middle East. Is it harsh? You bet. Would there be near-universal condemnation if it ever actually happened? Count on it. To my mind, however, it evokes memories of a question Johnny Smith asked his doctor in the original movie production of Stephen King's "The Dead Zone" in the 80s..."If you had the chance to go back in time and kill Hitler, would you do it?" If the answer is yes, then you should be on board here, as I am.
That's where we are now with Iran, whose President is no less crazy and no less set on the extermination of Israel and the rest of civilization as we know it. The only difference is Iran's leader wishes to see a global Islamic caliphate, while Hitler wanted an Aryan world order. This is where we are right now, because Iran doesn't yet have a nuclear weapon or the capability to inflict massive global harm. They are also the primary supporters of just about every Muslim terrorist group in the Middle East, so the only remaining question now is whether we kill them now, or let them gather strength for a clash of civilizations against a nuclear armed enemy, with the fate of civilization in the balance.
"The simple fact of the matter is that Muslims are out to destroy Western civilization. I intentionally didn't say "extremist Muslims are out to destroy western civilization" because that is a mythical group. Extremist Muslims are like extremist Christians, only with reversed ratios. ...
Want proof? Well, despite what Mel Gibson may say, the fact of the matter is that almost all of the religiously rooted violence in the world is taking place between Muslims, and fill-in-the-blanks. Muslims and Christians fighting in Bosnia. Muslims and Jews fighting in and around Israel. Muslims and Hindus fighting in Kashmir. There is also Muslim-spawned violence going on in Africa, Malaysia, France, the Netherlands, and other areas. Additionally, I cannot think of a single area where Christians and Jews are fighting, Or Hindus and Christians are fighting, or Seikhs and Jews are fighting, or where anybody else is fighting for religious reasons that does not have Muslims as part of the mix. ...
In the end, the killing of civilians either by accident or design is viewed quite differently depending upon who is the actor. As such, we are not winnning the hearts and minds by sparing civilians. We are in the impossible situation of being expected to avoid civilian casualties while still being chastised as morally inferior to the terrorists because they are fighting for "root causes." There is no way that a society so terminally entrenched will ever change their mind. So, as CPL Keeney used to say, "since they won't let us win their hearts and minds, it's time to burn their fuc*ing village down."
So, my dear readers, I am advocating the implementation of what I call the 'Ripley Strategy.' The 'Ripley Strategy' is named for the "Ripley" character played by Sigourney Weaver in the movie 'Aliens.' Ripley is interrogated, given her prior experience with the Aliens, as to what she thinks the best course of action is. Her response is the most pure of American simplicity:
"Nuke it from orbit; it's the only way to be sure".
NUKE IRAN. No UN Security Council, no mulit-bi-uni-lateral talks, no threats, no negotiating. Iran is the prime mover behind Muslim terrorists, and Muslim terrorists are the prime causes of violence on this planet in our day, so I say that we Nuke Iran first, and then instead of our usual policy of asking permission, we instead ask for forgiveness for making Lake Tehran with it's radioactive glass shores. ...
We really need to stick to what GWB said after 9-11. We really need to make no distinction between the terrorist organizations, and the countries that support them. Hezbollah attacked Israel. Hezbollah is allowed in Lebanon, ergo; Lebanon attacked Israel. Hezbollah killed 241 Marines in Beirut, Hezbollah is allowed in Lebanon. Therefore, Lebanon killed 241 Marines. There ain't no statute of limitations on murder, and I say that it's time we avenged those Marines, long past time for that, in fact. We still have the right, on behalf of those Marines, to demand that Lebanon dismantle and outlaw Hezbollah, or, on behalf of those Marines, we have the right to nuke them from orbit. (emphasis mine --Ed.)
We are past the time for half-measures. Nuke 'em from orbit; it's the only way to be sure."