Via the National Review Online archives, a couple of small towns in Utah are set to declare themselves U.N. free zones, and I dig it! That's one of the best ideas I have ever heard. Note that no one is saying that supporters of the organization are prohibited from meeting or otherwise violating their Constitutional rights. These towns are simply saying that we as a town will not support the U.N. with our money and that the U.N. has no jurisdiction to "demand" that our citizens serve it or its interests. Hopefully this will catch on in more places throughout the country, but more importantly, it illustrates a larger point about the ineffectual bordering on worthless nature of the U.N. itself. What, precisely, would the U.N. do about this? The answer, nothing, and that is because its continued existence as an organization depends almost entirely on the goodwill of others. When those "others" include tinpot third world dictators and grotesque human rights violators, as well as an American populace that is correctly growing sick of funding the U.N.'s corruption, its arrogance at meddling in the internal affairs of its member states (especially the U.S.), and its rather blatant anti-Semitic and anti-American attitudes...well, all I can say is it sucks to be them.
Oh, and if the U.N. is having any wet dream fantasies about us as a nation ever surrendering our right to bear arms (see U.N. Gun Control Conference link here), just one piece of advice: Don't even THINK about it! U.N. Ambassador John Bolton and Rep. Bob Barr may communicate that thought in nice diplo-babble because a.) it's their job, and b.) because that's the only language that the U.N. trolls who only want criminals to have weapons will understand...ordinary citizens, on the other hand, would meet any blue helmet knocking on our door to confiscate legally purchased and possessed weapons with, shall we say, much less kind and charitable words, and actions if neccessary.