Wednesday, July 5, 2006
True Enforcement First and Only from a RINO President...? Unlikely
Via Michelle Malkin, we hear the first ever rumblings that Pres. Bush may actually be open to enforcing the border first before any type of amnesty/guest-worker/handout nonsense. Please let it be true, but like Michelle says, I will believe it when I see it. I think Americans, especially those who live on the border whose lives are being destroyed by the invasion if illegals into the country, have had enough. Everyone fighting for border enforcement first should be encouraged by this step in the right direction, but for now, that's all it is. And as much of a fan as I am of Rep. Mike Pence (R-IN), his amnesty-lite plan isn't going to cut it either, no matter how "encouraged" the President might be. The only acceptable immigration bill besides an enforcement only bill is a bill that puts enforcement first and does not allow any type of amnesty program or other increase of foreign nationals into the U.S. above current levels until the borders are secured, period.