The only difference, apparently, between the National Guard "force" sent to the Mexican border and the troops in Iraq is that the Guard don't have overeager, P.C. JAG officers breathing down their necks every second. Both groups, on the other hand, are hamstrung by rules of engagement so ridiculous that it prohibits them doing their jobs and renders their presence wherever they are a sad joke. As this article shows, there are consequences for this kind of madness. In this case, a bunch of Mexican drug dealers forced U.S. forces from a guard post. This can only embolden these thugs and encourage international terrorists to try the same thing to penetrate our borders...oh wait, they don't have to, they can just walk right across under the guise of "doing jobs Americans won't do". People think I am joking when I say both Presidents Clinton and Bush should be impeached for the deterioration of the situation on the border, but I am dead serious. Their neglect borders on the criminal, because they both failed miserably to secure our borders and to protect the citizens of this country. Unfortunately, outside of a few voices in the wilderness, they are enabled by Congress on both sides of the aisle, so if you ask me, every last one of them could go home tomorrow and I don't think the country would be any the worse for it.
CAUSE: "The Guard troops are not allowed to apprehend illegal entrants."
EFFECT: "National Guard troops working at an observatory post near Sasabe were approached by a group of armed individuals late Wednesday night and forced to flee, said Border Patrol and National Guard officials Thursday."