From the very entertaining Kerplunk, here are 10 pretty sure-fire signs that you are a moral idiot. I've reposted the ten reasons below, but there are fuller explanations at the post itself that are worth the read, so enjoy!
1. You can't tell the difference between Israel and her enemies.
2. You believe that the United States is the greatest threat to world peace.
3. You believe that all cultures are equally valid.
4. You believe that Iraq 2.0 is all about oil.
5. You believe that war is not the answer.
6. You believe that Fidel Castro has been a positive influence for Cuba and a role model for the world.
7. You believe that 9/11 was an inside job.
8. You believe we should sign the Kyoto Protocol.
9. You believe that socialism is still the answer.
10. You believe that (fill in the blank)...I believe that you are a massive, crippling idiot if you believe that unfettered open borders are a good thing for the continued existence of the United States.