In this post, Emperor Misha lays some vicious lumber to the idiocy of everyone who lives in a unicorn-inhabited la-la land where they think that evil doesn't exist, and that when it does, it can be emoted away, rationalized and/or solved. If the denial experts, most of whom fall into one or more of the above categories, began by acknowledging these 7 very clear and simple truths, a lot of junk science and outright stupidity would be history in very quick fashion. Read the whole thing.
1. There is evil in our world.
2. That evil can and moreover, will manifest itself in barbaric, murderous acts unpredictably random by their very nature.
3. The pathology of the human mind is perfectly capable of planning and perpetrating harm on it’s fellow man regardless using whatever is available for instruments of destruction and mayhem.
4. Evil isn’t a manifestation of some created social/cultural injustice perpetrated by the actor. Evil has no set of precursor events, nor does it need any. Hearing Abba muzak riding an elevator could very well turn otherwise sane humans into psychopaths.
5. No change in social, economic or cultural behaviors will prevent evil from emerging in some fashion. That emergence may or may not manifest in mass murder or overt violence, it’s irrational prima-facie and impossible to predict all possible permutations. By definition it will happen and repeatedly as it’s endemic to any biological-animal process.
6. Evil will affect enough humans within a sufficient behavioral/psychological template that they will band together in order to perpetuate their pathology. History has observed numerous groups with behavior that just can’t be justified by rational analysis as other than pure evil. There will always be an Al-Qaida, Hitler, Stalin, Kim-Jong Il, somewhere, someplace.
7. The liberal mindset will always search for rationality of emotion within that which again, by definition cannot be explained or prevented by any rational remedy. Therein lies the danger of liberal, emotive rationalization. It leads to more hand-wringing, foolish social or cultural solutions, only to be blind-sided by the next malignant outbreak of evil.