Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Mox Argon's Step-by-Step Communist Hypocrite Smackdown

I really like this one. The alien geniuses over at MoxArgon get some hate mail from a Kool-Aid drinking member of the Gorebot's Chucrh of Glowball Warming. Said piece of hate mail demonstrates perfectly the complete lack of foundation, evidence, realism, or much of anything else inherent in just about everything a communist/hypocrite (excuse the redundancy please) has to say in a feeble attempt to shut down any semblance of real debate. Ad hominem attacks, straw men, outright insults, and even a personal vested financial interest on the writer's part in keeping the global warming Kool-Aid river flowing. The MoxArgon folks' unmitigated destruction and refutation of this frothing moonbat's idiocy is a joy to behold and not to be missed.

I recently came across a little melodrama going on in the ongoing battle over Global Warming (ht-Small Dead Animals). First a fellow named Marlo Lewis (a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute) wrote this article about economics and Global Warming hysteria. The piece isn't particularly vitriolic and makes a lot of salient and reasoned points about economic growth, warming hysteria, and social development.

However, not everyone decided to simply agree or disagree with the article or its premises. One person, Michael T. Eckhart, the President of the American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) decided that the article required some sort of Ivy League style vendetta.

Take a look at this e-mail sent by Eckhart to Lewis:

Marlo –

You are so full of crap.

You have been proven wrong. The entire world has proven you wrong. You are the last guy on Earth to get it. Take this warning from me, Marlo. It is my intention to destroy your career as a liar. If you produce one more editorial against climate change, I will launch a campaign against your professional integrity. I will call you a liar and charlatan to the Harvard community of which you and I are members. I will call you out as a man who has been bought by Corporate America. Go ahead, guy. Take me on.


Michael T. Eckhart
American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE)

Thank you Michael T. Eckhart, you have convinced me that the Church of Global Warming is a complete and total scam.

But that's not what this little post is about. This is about the Leftist Mind and Comrade Eckhart is the perfect example of it.

First he traditionally opens the message with an insult.

You are so full of crap.

Note, he does not present any evidence of the particular kind of crap that Marlo Lewis is full of, because the beauty of name calling is that you don't have to justify it.

Then he makes a broad declaration about Lewis and his work.

You have been proven wrong. The entire world has proven you wrong. You are the last guy on Earth to get it.

Please note that he declares Lewis as wrong, but presents no evidence of how Lewis is wrong. Because the Leftist Mind knows that presenting evidence is an invitation to debate. Debate is the last thing the Leftist wants, because it causes people to ask questions, and questions inevitably lead to the Leftist being proven wrong.

The Leftist will believe anything declared by their leaders as long as it fits their prejudice (otherwise known as the meta-narrative) of Judeo-Christian capitalist democratic culture (AKA The Western Way) being the font of all evil in the world, from terrorism to crappy weather.

Debate leads to people discovering that the Western Way is not a force for evil, but an often fumbling, but usually positive force in the world.

Debate must be crushed.

To crush debate you must use threats.

Take this warning from me, Marlo. It is my intention to destroy your career as a liar.

Gee, whatever happened to agreeing to disagree on an issue. A reasonable person would present facts and evidence to prove their point, but the Leftist isn't reasonable.

They believe that anyone who does not blindly obey their leaders is more than just wrong, they are evil. Now their belief in evil doesn't extend to the sort of people who set off car bombs in crowded markets or blow up schools, they are just misunderstood products of Judeo-Christians.

To the Leftist the only evil that really exists is anyone who doesn't blindly accept the edicts and declarations of the high priests of Leftism and that evil must be destroyed.

And they make threats like this...

If you produce one more editorial against climate change, I will launch a campaign against your professional integrity. I will call you a liar and charlatan to the Harvard community of which you and I are members.

Loosely translated, practice your right to free speech and the Leftists will socially ostracize and destroy you for your crime of disobedience.

And folks wonder why a lot of academics are scared to criticize the Leftists. While the Right is a pretty diverse group with many facets and internal disagreements, the Left has morphed into a monolithic slab of ideology that threatens to crush anyone who asks it a question.

And then they bring out the Left's favourite bogeyman...

I will call you out as a man who has been bought by Corporate America.

Oooh! Corporate America! The Left's all-purpose villain!

The question I would like to ask the Leftists is why is "Corporate America" considered so evil while most Leftist organizations are funded by a small clique of rich hedge fund billionaires who profit, not by producing and marketing goods or services, but by creating and exploiting economic and social chaos from Eastern Europe, to South America, and even the Bank of England.

Do they honestly think that these people have the best interests of the common man at heart?

They have to because these billionaires, like Al Qaida terrorists, tell them that their prejudices are right. And being told that you are right, is more important than actually being right.

Then the Leftist usually wraps up with yet another declaration, usually something along the lines of "Mine's bigger than yours."

Go ahead, guy. Take me on.

You see Eckhart really doesn't want anyone to take him on. He's hoping that his combination of insults, broad declarations, and threats will cow the insolent rebel, namely Marlo Lewis, into quiet submission.

How does one defeat the Leftist?

You will never convince a Leftist that they are wrong. Their prejudices are essential to their existence, and if they have to give them up, they have to develop an identity as an individual, and that's too much work.

The best bet of reasonable people is to educate the people in what Vox Poplar calls the "militant middle" about the importance of debate and discussion, and the ultimately positive influence of the Western Way.

I wonder how many long rambling combinations of insults, threats, and broad, often prejudiced, declarations will clog my pleas box.

That's all for now, keep watching the skies, because we're watching you.

UPDATE: Thanks to our lovely and fragrant commenters, namely Commander0 and B.C. I've learned that not only is Michael T. Eckhart a poor excuse for an enviro-bully, he also is reported as having considerable financial interests in maintaining the level of hysteria over global warming. And he accuses Marlo Lewis of being a slave to Corporate America. Hello Kettle, I got Pot on the phone, he wants to call you something.