You know, I'm all for agreeing to disagree, especially with people who aren't even up to a spirited debate or an honest discussion (those folks make me insane and richly deserve my contempt no matter their political or religious stripe). That said, some things are a zero sum game...such is the case with Kim DuToit's idea of the patria. Loosely translated, this word means "what America stands for", and it's the root word for patriotism. Reality dictates that the socialist appeasement monkeys who inherit most of the blue areas of America and the good folks to whom Bill Whittle refers as the "Silent Majority" can't both be right and can't both have their own way.
For the most part, this is like the beliefs of radical Islam ("convert or die, infidel") and President Bush's words (as opposed to some of his actions) re: terrorists (i.e. "You're either with us or you're against us."). The list of issues that are able to be resolved in a peaceful way that makes even a majority of Americans happy shrinks daily, and I don't know where that scary development of a road leads...perhaps civil war, perhaps revolution, perhaps throwing out the bums of both parties by we the people, or some combination of the three. In any event, I don't have the answer, and unless something changes, I don't think it will be pretty when the two competing patrias come to a head. All I know is that I'm glad I will be on the side that has the guns. With that, take it away Kim!
"I’ve just about had it up to here with Lefties complaining that when we call them on their latest line of crap, we’re “impugning their patriotism” or some such nonsense.
Here’s the intrinsic problem, and it’s why America is so divided as a nation: we conservative/Red Staters and you liberal/Blue Staters have diametrically-opposed visions of what constitutes the Patria.
Our patria is a representative republic, founded on pretty much immutable Constitutional principle; your patria is a popular democracy with a “living” Constitution.
Our patria is a capitalist society with low, limited and broad-based taxation; your patria is a neo-socialist society with embedded wealth redistribution policies (through onerous graduated tax rates, incremental taxes and inheritance taxes).
Our patria values private property ownership; your patria would prefer that most property belong to the State.
Our patria believes in a State welfare policy which offers a helping hand only to those in genuine need; your patria redefines “need” as “anyone who asks for it”.
Our patria values private gun ownership; your patria would prefer that officers of the State be the only armed entity.
Our patria believes in self-reliance; your patria prefers to keep people as wards of the State.
Our patria believes in sovereign nationality; your patria insists that national boundaries are irrelevant.
Our patria believes in devolving political power downward as much as possible; your patria concentrates political power upwards.
Our patria believes in a robust, America-first foreign policy; your patria prefers accommodationism.
Our patria would prefer to fight evil decisively; your patria believes that we have brought most of the evil upon ourselves, and that “evil” is a relative term anyway.
Our patria has a legal system where judges uphold the law; your patria has judges who implement public policy by fiat.
Our patria is a colorblind society; your patria favors tokenism, separatism and affirmative action.
Our patria is a place where personal advancement depends on ability and desire; your patria is envious of the successful and is constantly trying for equality of outcome.
Our patria believes in a strong military; your patria thinks “militarism” is evil.
To make this as succinct as possible:
Our patria is America; your patria is Europe.
But most importantly:
Our patria is the longest-lasting political institution of its kind ever attempted by mankind; your patria has failed miserably in every place ever attempted.
With differences so radical, it’s little wonder that the word “patriotism” has become essentially meaningless. "