Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Very Easy Armed Civilian-Related Math

I know it's a lot to ask, but even the most dense of the gun-fearing ninny crowd should be able to do this math. Courtesy of Double Tapper, over thirty dead at Virginia Tech compared to zero dead and two wounded at a high school in Israel when Islamic terrorists who attacked a class full of students were killed by counselors who drew their own personal handguns and mowed down the cowardly practitioners of the "Religion of Peace". Lest anyone accuse me of assuming that just because a school of Israeli children were attacked that it was a bunch of Islamofascists that did it, the bozos of Fatah's Al-Aksa Brigades helpfully announced and claimed credit for the attacks. I'm not really sure how much bragging these apes should be doing, given that two (allegedly) highly trained killers were mowed down by school counselors without inflicting a single casualty before going to meet their 72 Virginians in the afterlife.

More to the point of the post...even one teacher with a concealed carry permit could have saved the lives of thirty people from the maniac Virginia Tech killer. Thanks to gun-fearing, nanny statists who wouldn't recognize the Second Amendment if it jumped out of the Constitution and slapped them, over two dozen people are dead...and everyone complicit in disarming law-abiding citzens on college campuses may consider themselves co-conspirators to murder. That is all.