Monday, January 28, 2008

John McCain is Ricky Vaughn from "Major League"

Remember the old movie "Major League", where Charlie Sheen played Ricky Vaughn, a fireballing right-handed pitcher with a checkered past and control problems? His coach said, "We better teach this kid some control before he kills someone." In the movie, during his first major league start, Vaughn walks the first three batters on twelve pitches. The commentator quipped, "Ball four, ball eight, ball twelve, and Vaughn has walked the bases loaded." That's how quickly John "Karma Conservative Chameleon" McCain is racking up strikes with the conservative base of the GOP.

In the movie, Vaughn eventually calms down, learns some control, becomes the ace of the staff, and leads the Indians to the playoffs. John McCain is 71 years old, and I've got news for you folks...there's no "Major League"-type change on the horizon for this doddering old fool.

As if all the other nonsense he has pulled over his many atrocious years in public "service" isn't enough (his Navy and POW record notwithstanding, of course), the strikes just keep on coming. Now he's getting honors from La Raza?!! Doesn't this pendejo understand that means "The Race" in Spanish? Doesn't he care that the man who honored him for this award back in 1999 is now Senator Hillary Clinton's National Hispanic Outreach director? For extra added fun, try the thought of having someone with a nasty temper and a bad habit of cursing his opponents with his finger on the nuclear trigger. That's to say nothing of his outright fabrication of an accusation that Mitt Romney supported a withdrawal and retreat from Iraq, or of his national campaign finance co-chair, Jerrold Perenchio. Seems as though old Jerrold has a penchant for multiculturalism, a history of fighting against English as a first language, ties to numerous environmentalist wackos, and a history of funding the election campaigns of the worst of the worst of the Dem-Cong. Jerrold, like Senator "Straight Talk", plays both sides according to the polls and his own financial interests. No wonder Bill and Hillary Clinton love this clown so much.

Between his particular brand of faux conservatism (which is really just socialism-lite) and George Bush's compassionate conservatism (which just says that the criminal gang known as the GOP knows better how to confiscate and spend your money for you than the Democrats do), the Reagan coalition and small government conservatism really may be on the endangered species list. I can't decide which is worse...being a flip-flopper who changes positions like most of us change clothes (see John Kerry, circa 2004), or to be as badly wrong on so many important issues as Senator McCain is, and worse yet, to not even know it.

God help us all if this moron makes it to the White House.