All I have to say is "Wow!" That will leave a mark and ruin some leftist weekends. Today's required reading is the whole thing and never allow the lefty nutroots anywhere near the levers of power whenever possible.
"I sat down earlier this week and penned this out as the opening monologue for my radio talk-show, Tuesday Truth I cleaned it up a bit and decided to post it for the pack to gnaw on.
The hard left, being the target of most of my writing and talk is an interesting, although malignant ideology. The entire concept of liberal thought presents a dichotomy of reason, intellectual snobbery and deceit. They claim to stand for many things, such as cultural and religious tolerance, diversity, globalist governments, freedom of speech and always the ‘little guy’ or the latest manufactured ‘victim’ group. Moreover a careful look into what they purportedly ‘stand for’ reveals they actually stand for little if anything. In other words their entire ideology consists of oppositional behaviors. Their elevation of the insane, yet brilliant ideology of Marxism and his defender Trotsky is clearly seen in reading the classic tome ‘The Communist Manifesto', on which socialism is based. They vehemently deny classification as socialists or communists, yet virtually every ‘idea’ they put forth can be directly linked to that writing.
The manifesto, rife with the concept of class warfare, is full of contradictions cleverly disguised by academic, elite articulation. It supposes that the only proven method of generation of wealth and power, free market economies, is merely a sham in which the proletariat class lives in thrall to an amorphous bourgeois class in total and merciless pursuit of power and wealth. Concepts of private property, an individual’s freedom in the to generation of wealth by individual’s efforts (and by extension, power) are counterproductive to the catchy lie of the “common good”. It’s summation concludes that only the elimination of the ‘bourgeois class’, replacing all control of the production of wealth under state control. Of
course in such a system the state would necessarily be an elitist class (under a false pretense of ‘the party’), assumed to be honest and capable of making proper decisions for all based on the amorphous ‘common good’.
Since it’s inception, intellectuals have seen it for what it is, a method to permit a select group to attain and maintain total power. The rational mind will see the gross paradox as it’s merely the substitution of one class for another, with the new ‘ruling’ class self-established.
The very nature of the liberal mindset and socialist culture puts the ideology, 180 degrees out of sync with conservative rational viewpoints. Moral equivocations being a prime example of this disconnect. Taken to it’s extreme, the elitist, ruling class of individuals (a large centralized government) are permanently installed into having the ultimate power and control over the ‘working class’ purportedly the system is protecting.
Contrasting the ideology of Marx and Lenin as written then, with the far left of today is starkly obvious. Virtually every key concept formulated by those madmen are fully embraced in the liberal views of ‘ideas’ of the far left.
The methodology is simple, create various classes by rhetorical subterfuge, and then imbue each class with a ‘grievance’, conveniently solvable by the nanny-statist government. The phony smiling leftist ‘pats’ the ‘victims’ on the head, assuring them justice and protection from the evil classes, if only they put them in charge at the ballot box.
Look at the many platforms being raised upon which the liberals use to attain power over our lives and our ability to create wealth by our own labors. Reparations, open-borders, excessive and obscene taxation and confiscation of wealth, universal health-care for the “downtrodden”, racial conflict, hate-crimes for ‘selected’ victim classes, creation of phony grievances, thus apologizing for the hideous and violent crimes against others.
Obviously, to address each of the manufactured grievances is government intervention placing punitive or inane controls on the perpetrator class. To maintain this mask of ‘justice for all’, they place themselves directly into every cultural/value system, which they purportedly are against. They preach false ‘rights’ for every victim class, yet wholly support abortion, conveniently ignoring the rights of the unborn, a true class without a voice or champion.
This naturally, puts them diametrically opposed to virtually every Judeo-Christian, democratic ideal of western civilization and perhaps even more dangerous, our economic system. Key to their lust of power is control of money, obtained by confiscation.
Hatred of the west, especially of George W. Bush and conservative government is the touchstone of the left’s formula of destruction. If you listen carefully to the voice of the left, they offer no real solutions to society’s ills. They only stand in opposition to anything considered conservative or placing responsibility into the hands of the individual. In order to do this they must profess lie after lie of their intentions, delivered with phony, pious sincerity. They are masters at obfuscation of the intent that really lies behind the words.
In short the far-left hates:
Liberty, Capitalism, Democracy, The Rule of Law, Freedom of Speech (unless it’s theirs) and The Judeo-Christian Spiritual and Philosophical Tradition.
All foundations of our civilization are an anathema to the socialist, far-left agenda. They use the ‘useful idiots’ as Marx or Lenin would say to advance this agenda, people like Michael Moore, Cindy Sheehan and the amoral, uninformed Hollywood crowd. The real power behind the movement lies with people like Teddy Kennedy, George Soros, Jesse Jackson, the Clinton Clan and their numerous minions. They hire young people and members of the ‘professional victim’ class to ‘protest’ for the cause du jour, well indoctrinated by the Chomskyite academia and socialist front organizations. Their fellow travelers and accomplices in the leftist agenda, the media, gleefully spin, twist and create the perfect message for transmission to the uninformed, attention bereft masses.
The truly far-leftist power brokers are a clear and present danger to western society, every bit as vicious and brutal as the terrorists we with military force. Even a child recognizes evil accompanied by the sight of an AK-47 or knife, the truly evil are more subtle and dangerous, seen smiling on the television or posing for photographs, carefully framed to fool the masses into believing they are legitimately concerned for us.
These vermin in our midst lust power, absolute power that corrupts absolutely. They are beneath contempt and should be exposed wherever, whenever and however it is possible. Our culture hinges on stopping this true evil."