Sunday, October 8, 2006

Mexico Only Has as Much Say as GWB and the RINOs Give Them

Dan Stein, of the Center for Immigration Studies, reports on the latest attempted meddling by Mexico in America's internal affairs. Never mind the fact that the Mexican government actively aids and abets the illegal immigrant invasion into the U.S., that they refuse to extradite criminals who committed crimes in the U.S. for which they could receive the death penalty, etc. ad their crackpot, reconquista-minded Foreign Minister threatens our country by taking the issue of the 700 mile border wall, passed by Congress and signed by the President, up with the U.N.?! First off, I don't know if Mr. Luis has noticed, but the U.N. is about as potent as your average 80 year old...and second, who in the HELL does he (and his government) think he is? America is a sovereign country and Mexico has no respect for our laws, policies, or borders...these jerks are unbelievable. All I can say is, screw these jokers, hard, and if they think they can stop the wall from being built, let them try, or as Pres. Bush would say, "Bring it on!"...that is all.

MEXICO CITY: Mexico says it may go to the United Nations to challenge US plans to build hundreds of kilometres of fences on its southern border.

The Foreign Secretary, Luis Ernesto Derbez, said the plan was offensive.

Asked if he would take up the issue with the UN, a step some Mexican politicians have called for, Mr Derbez replied: "Without a doubt, we are examining, with the foreign relations legal team, what options are open at an international level and we will take them."