Sunday, May 28, 2006

A Righteous Anti-Idiotarian Tribute to the Soldiers for Memorial Day

Via Emperor Darth Misha:

May 28, 2006
Memorial Day

"Enough bloody politics, I've just about had it with that nonsense.

Let's turn to those truly worthy of our attention, the men and women at the sharp end of the spear to whom we owe the privilege of having a Memorial Day to celebrate in the first place.

While we're all here safe at home enjoying the official start of summer with our families, we owe it to those fine men and women out there to recognize their sacrifice and to honor them for it, because without them, we'd be celebrating whatever our new masters would tell us to celebrate.

We are what we are and we enjoy the status that we, as a nation, enjoy because of those brave crusaders for freedom.

We didn't become the greatest, most free and most prosperous nation that the world ever saw because of unwashed freaks dancing in the streets with papier mache dolls or brave protesters Speaking Truth to Benevolence and Indifference; we became what we are because of our belief in Liberty, Justice and the Pursuit of Happiness, and the only reason that we had a chance to pursue these noble goals is because of those overworked, underpaid heroes manning the battlements.

Without them, we'd have fallen prey to the first predator to contest our right to exist.

Without them, we'd have no opportunity to celebrate all that is good and wonderful about this nation of ours that we love.

The names of the battlefields upon which they've fought and bled are many and varied, but the cause for which they gave their lives is the same:

They fought for these United States of America, they suffered for the ideal of a nation where everybody was free and equal and they gave their lives for something much greater than themselves, knowing full well that they might never see the fruits of their labor and sacrifice.

They fought and died, and continue to fight and die, for people that they never knew and might never know at all, for an ideal that we should all be willing to fight and die for, lest their sacrifice be in vain.

We owe these young men and women a debt that we can never truly repay, but we can do something nonetheless: We can treasure, appreciate, and defend to our last breath this gift that they've bought with their own blood, we can stand up and face whatever fate may throw at us, defiant and unyielding in our commitment to hold on to what they've given us, or we can be forever damned for discarding the greatest gift of all.

From Lexington to the deserts of Iraq, those soldiers have been ready, willing and able to give their all.

We owe them nothing less in return.

As we remember our fallen and give thanks for their sacrifice, let us renew our commitment to hold high the torch of freedom, to never waver, falter or fail no matter what may face us, and to devote ourselves with all that we are and ever will be to live free or die."

May God Bless Our Troops, and May God Continue to Bless the United States of America."