Thursday, May 18, 2006

More Tripe, Smoke, and Shell Games re: Amnesty

I've had a few days to digest the tripe, smoke, and mirrors offered as a "solution" to our broken immigration system by the President Monday night, and I hereby pronounce myself unconvinced of any will to secure our borders at all, much less as a first priority as it should be. Yes, I believe the Sessions amendment to S. 2611, which passed 83-16, mandating a minimum of 375 miles of border fence and 500 miles of vehicle barriers is a good start. Unfortunately, two other amendments didn't to prevent the "guest workers" from becoming permanent (there goes the myth of temporary workers who will return home), and the other, because it was killed, will allow illegal criminal aliens to get credit in our Social Security system for time they worked in this country ILLEGALLY (some even using stolen SSN#s from actual citizens to get said 'credit') prior to the amnesty under which they became citizens! What in the crap is wrong with these Senators? I sincerely hope that the House has enough sense and willpower to kill this whole mess of a bill...enforcement has to come first and that's that.

For the first word we go to David at Third World County:

"The President proposes serious penalties for illegal aliens. They must pay their taxes, work, and learn English in order to earn citizenship. Penalties, eh? Gee. I pay taxes, work, and speak English. What am I being penalized for?

OK, so if President Bush's plan is not amnesty, are the illegal aliens going to be prosecuted for forging/or using forged documents? Tax fraud/evasion? Illegal entry? What? If it isn't amnesty, then they will be prosecuted under the applicable laws, and if convicted, punished under those laws. Aliens here legally, those who have followed all the rules, jumped through all the hoops and waited patiently in line to enter lawfully, are all subject to deportation for breaking our laws.

So, if those here illegally are not to suffer the consequences of their illegal actions as defined in the laws at the time they violated them, then what President Bush proposes is amnesty. That again confirms that he lied through his teeth to us all Monday evening.

Saying they will pay a meaningful penalty for breaking the law but NOT prosecuting them under the laws they broke but instead simply placing on them the responsibilities all legal inhabitants of this land already must address, President Bush proposes no penalty. Nada, zilch, nothing, zero-with-the-rim-kicked-off. That's amnesty. And President Bush, and every single person pushing that lie, knows it."

And like Emperor Misha, my question is where are all my nice free goodies that I qualify for by having paid said "penalties" my entire adult life...this is the very definition of amnesty, excusing commissions of multiple criminal acts and rewarding those criminal exchange for these lawbreakers belatedly behaving exactly like citizens and legal immigrants are expected to...riiiiiiiight. Screw 'em, every last one of the RINOs from the President on down...they are in the electoral crosshairs from now on, especially in the primaries, because Lord knows the Democrats would only be worse (if that's possible). To quote Captain Jean Luc Picard from Star Trek: TNG during a Borg invasion: "The line must be drawn here. This far, no further!"

From, we get definitions of amnesty followed by my comments in italics:

Amnesty- (from the Greek amnestia, oblivion) an act of justice by which the supreme power in a state restores those who may have been guilty of any offence against it to the position of innocent persons. It includes more than pardon, in as much as it obliterates all legal remembrance of the offence.
No matter if "the law" or "the state" remembers the lawbreaking, American citizens and legal immigrants do remember, much as with 9/11. The invasion of illegal immigrants is no less serious than an act of terrorism, and is, in fact, worse, because it is state-sponsored by Mexico, an alleged friend.

amnesty- The state's magnanimity to those offenders whom it would be too expensive to punish. This includes political calculations by spineless politicians too afraid of the New York Times, their own shadow, and confrontation of Democrats to do what is right and what their constituents sent them to Washington to do.

amnesty- in law, exemption from prosecution for criminal action. It signifies forgiveness and the forgetting of past actions. Amnesties are usually extended to a group of persons during a period of prolonged disorder or insurrection. The criminals are offered a promise of immunity from prosecution if they will abandon their unlawful activities. This is what kills me, because not a single one of these illegal alien criminals would be forced to abandon their criminal activities, but would instead be rewarded for breaking the law.

amnesty- The action of a government by which all persons or certain groups of persons who have committed a criminal offense, usually of a political nature, that threatens the sovereignty of the government (such as sedition or treason)are granted immunity from prosecution. Amnesty allows the government of a nation or state to "forget" criminal acts, usually before prosecution has occurred. Amnesty has traditionally been used as a political tool of compromise and reunion following a war. The President and his party's cowardice in refusing to treat the invasion of millions of illegal aliens, mostly from Mexico, as an act of war, smacks of the moral bankruptcy that defines the U.N. By not calling the genocide in Sudan "genocide", the U.N. doesn't actually have to DO anything to stop it and can go on mouthing empty platitudes while innocent people are slaughtered, just as our current crop of squishy politicians can evade actually stopping illegal immigration by not calling this invasion what it truly is.

The only thing Americans hate as much as hypocrisy is having their intelligence insulted, and El Presidente and his party would do well do quit doing both to his base, oh I dunno, say, yesterday, or it will be a very bloody November indeed for the GOP.