Back to sleep, everyone
"We've all said it, and some of them have denied it, but its the truth. Call them what you will left, liberal, Democrat, antiwar, progressivist, cowards, fools, appeasers but it all adds up to the same thing: they do not believe there should even be a war on Islamist terrorists, much less have any real concern for winning it, and they wish that 9/11 would just go away so we could all get back to our 9/10 state of soporific complacency while the threat represented by Islamist terrorists and the states that sponsor and support them festers, suppurates, and metastasizes.
They are, in truth, as I've said so many times ostriches, so frightened by the realities of life on this planet as to be completely dysfunctioned by that fear, and their only response to it is to bury their heads deeper in the sand. They do not want to fight Islamism and jihadism; they think the only enemies we have are those we've created ourselves, the only attacks well ever suffer are those we deserve, and there are no enemies out there who cant be made friends through yet another round of UN-managed negotiations or more foreign-aid bribery. They do not understand absolutism or fanaticism, and the only religious fundamentalists they're willing to firmly confront are those they know will never do them any real harm anyway. (Christians and Jews-- ed.)
If you want our national defense to be supervised by such people, vote Democrat. I know lots of people Bill Quick and Al Maviva, two people whose opinions I deeply respect and almost always agree with, come immediately to mind, but there are others who say they're done with the Republicans. I sympathize greatly; I'm pretty pi$$ed at them myself. Al and I have tossed some e-mails back and forth about all this, and I simply can't say he's wrong; I share his frustration, and I think it's more than clear that the Republicans do indeed need a damned sharp reminder of what they're supposed to be all about.
But every time I'm just about to the point of joining Al and Bill and tossing off a long goodbye-and-good-riddance letter to the Republicans here, I run across something like this...and the marrow-freezing thought of the Dems running our foreign-policy and national-security strategies stops me dead in my tracks.
Its no use to say that this guy only represents a fraction of the Democrats, or that the Kossacks dont represent the mainstream. That's crap, and we all know it. The Daily Kos, no matter what the small, beleaguered handful of Lieberman supporters out there may wishfully think, is the face of the Dems today. And even if it wasn't, anyone who can raise that much money for the principle-bereft, poll-driven swine that the Dems have become is guaranteed to have a voice in their agenda. Sure, forget 9/11 isn't official policy for the Donks, yet. But once the inmates of the Kos asylum decide it should be, then the Dems will obligingly consider it. Taxi drivers don't get to decide who rides and who doesn't; they take on whoever pays 'em, and they go where they're told...and so do whores.
And this is how their core supporters, whose voices will be heard, think. They, in their foreign-policy enlightenment, are over 9/11. They think we all should share their myopic wisdom. They want to take us back to 9/10. If allowed to, they will guarantee repeat performances of the most devastating attack perpetrated on American soil since Pearl Harbor, over and over again, until we either learn they're not only incapable of defending our country but disinterested in it, or we submit to a dhimmitude they self-servingly refuse to admit the existence of, one small, Cartoon Jihad-like step at a time...
And they're too damned blind and/or stupid to see that we already traveled the road they want to put us on, and its last mile is a gore-smeared stretch of concrete with American corpses strewn across it crushed from having fallen over a hundred stories to a gruesome death that could have been avoided but for our own wishful thinking, our own blissful ignorance, our own fear of confronting the harsher realities of the war were in a war we'll either win or lose, but don't have the luxury of opting out of, and never did. Apparently, the road they want us on runs in a circle, and the law requires that we travel it blindfolded.
Compare: the Islamists will never give in, and you can bet that they aren't eager to forget their great triumph on 9/11; theyre in this for the long haul, for a thousand years if necessary, and anyone who doesnt believe it is cordially invited to just ask them. Alternatively, you could consult the history books for a refutation of that untenable disbelief. On the other hand, the LLL/MSM/Dem Axis is exhausted, and ready to move on after less than five years. If were so foolish ourselves as to let them run the fight, guess who's going to win it?
There must not be another Democrat President until this sort of delusional, irresponsible thinking is stamped out root and branch. The Democrats and their feckless policies are an indulgence, proffering a risk we cant afford to take. Theres simply not much else to be said."
The above text is via Mike at Cold thoughts are and have been along the same lines for a while now. It blows my mind how a party as skilled at winning elections the past decade and has enjoyed such smashing success in Iraq, Afghanistan, and the GWOT in general (yes there are mistakes and messes, such is the nature of warfare and cleaning up years of neglect and policy incompetence from decades past in the Middle East) is equally incapable of communicating those successes. Even worse than that, outside of foreign policy, the Republican Party of today has dissolved and devolved into a spineless, squishy version of what its constituents elected it to be (see McCain, Specter, Graham, Hagel, Chafee, Snowe, etc. ad nauseam).
They have abandoned even the pretenses of conservatism on everything from fiscal responsibility to illegal immigration and seem to be unable to handle prosperity by governing like the majority they actually are...and for what? They want to be seen as nice and compassionate and understanding, not be liked, stroked, petted, their egos inflated by the Beltway press corps and the MSM, and the only way to do that is to run headlong as fast as possible away from anything remotely related to conservative principles. (Disclaimer: my idea of conservative principles can be summed up in fifteen words, via Hugh Hewitt, which don't cover everything but which would be a fine start..."Win the war. Secure the borders. Cut the taxes. Control the Spending. Confirm the judges." If this happened, the GOP would easily have a filibuster-proof majority in both houses of Congress by the end of the decade.)
*deep breath* All that said, not a single bit of any of this matters if national security is not taken care of. As sad as it is, there are two political parties in this country right now with any power, and to borrow the phrase from South Park, it is the choice between a giant douche and a turd sandwich. I wish more than just about anything that I didn't have to be a single issue voter, but for now I do. The only issue for this generation that really matters, the question that will have to be answered over the next several elections is: Do we want to live in dhimmitude, and do we want that for our children and grandchildren? I certainly don't, and the Democratic Party, being run by the inmates of the asylum these days, it will take us there one appeasement, one surrender at a time. The GOP is the only party right now who can offer at least a possibility that maybe we don't have to be dhimmis at any point in our future. Because of that, I hold my nose and vote for the GOP, working within the system for change where possible, in part by supporting candidates in primaries and elections who are actual conservatives (not just someone with an R behind his/her name) at the grassroots level where possible. Oh how I would love some variety in my political diet, but until there is an opposition party who is both loyal to this country rather than to the reacquisition of power and which can be taken seriously on national security/foreign policy matters, I won't get it.