Friday, January 25, 2008

More Anti-McCain Cowbell Baby!

Just in case I didn't make clear the reasons that there is no chance in hell that I would ever pull the lever for John McCain as the GOP nominee in 2008, here's some more:

1.) Courtesy of the Mitt Romney campaign (Hat Tip: Emperor Misha), an absolutely devastating montage showing a litany of liberal Democrats and their enablers in the mainstream media talking heads speaking glowingly of Senator McCain.;

2.) The New York Times endorses Senator McCain and Senator Clinton because they are both inside the Beltway, poll-driven, MSM-worshipping liberals. Any real conservative would tell the New York Slimes where to stick their endorsement, but this whackjob touts it right there on his campaign a good thing!;

3.) Senator McCain does not believe in the concept of America as a melting pot. As Mark Krikorian astutely points out, Senator McCain would prefer that we become a balkanized country along many different lines...racial, religious, tribal, cultural and language just to name a few. Don't believe it? Mr. Krikorian's article shows that Senator McCain's own voting history proves it. I love the final quote best of all:

"Before anyone ever compares him to Theodore Roosevelt again, just try to imagine McCain saying this, from one of TR’s letters:

"We have room for but one language here, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, and American nationality, not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house."

Enough said.

4.) Senator Mel Martinez (RINO-FL), someone whose brief run atop the RNC did substantial damage to Republican fundraising efforts, actually managed to produce a negative trend in Hispanic outreach, and who was right there with Ted Kennedy, Lindsay Graham-nesty (RINO-SC), and Senator McCain attempting to ram amnesty down the throats of America, endorsed Senator McCain today.; and finally,

5.) Courtesy of several sources (Michelle Malkin, Emperor Misha, Lone Wacko, Mark Krikorian of the Center for Immigration Studies via NRO, Jerome Corsi, and Gateway Pundit)...McCain now has as a campaign consultant and director of Hispanic Outreach for his campaign an open-borders zealot by the name of Dr. Juan Hernandez. Whether this jackal is paid or unpaid is immaterial. I honestly believe that Mexican officials (past, present, and future) who seek to meddle in the internal affairs of America, especially when they actively promote and enable illegal immigration, should be arrested, blacklisted, and deported permanently, with the understanding that, if they are caught once more attempting to erode American sovereignty and undermine our laws, they would be subject to arrest and prosecution the same way an agent of any other nation caught engaging in unauthorized, unwelcome espionage on American soil would a spy. And yet, John McCain, who allegedly "gets the message" regarding illgal immigration, hires someone who has clearly demonstrated at all times that he has the best interests of Mexico, not America at heart. Senator McCain, I and many other Americans with more than three neurons to rub together might have been born at night, but it wasn't last night.

I mean, read the man's own website on the issue of illegal immigration, you'd think this egomaniacal, obfuscating bastard was running for President of Mexico and/or greater Latin America. After paying token lip service to securing the border, mind you, with absolutel no details about how he plans to do this (because he has no plans to secure the border), he talks more about the alleged duty of America to absorb anyone and everyone who manages to break into our nation, more about the alleged rights of illegal immigrants to crash the gates of our country and violate our sovereignty, and more about pandering to and the rights of greedy employers who would love nothing more than an endless supply of illegal foreign labor to hire any illegal they please in order to pad their bottom line at the nation's expense than he does about actually securing the border and all that entails. That tells me everything I need to know about the man as a presidential candidate...I just can't fathom why the people of Arizona, home of Proposition 200 and the "business death penalty" for businesses who hire illegal immigrants, haven't tossed this idiot out on his ear yet.

Oh, and last but certainly not least, Bill and Hillary Clinton apparently think McCain is just ducky and my profession is fond of saying, I rest my case.