I always found it interesting, if not surprising, that the mainstream media, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Dem-Cong tried to anoint Senator Barack Obama (Socialist-IL) as the candidate who could transcend race and even politics. Given the rampant skepticism with which I view most any politician, I certainly wouldn't mind listening to someone who could actually do that (assuming such a person exists), but it isn't this guy. Since the whole scandal regarding his pastor and spiritual advisor, Reverend Jeremiah "G-d Damn America" Wright broke, perhaps the most surprising thing about all this is that the mainstream media is actually reporting it. First, Obama tried to say he didn't know about such statements and hadn't heard anything like those statements, then he had heard those statements and didn't agree with some of them, and finally, in his widely trumpeted speech on race, he defended his pastor, rationalized and equivocated, and closed by throwing his white grandmother who raised him under the bus WHILE accusing all white people of racism.
It may not be enough for the Hildebeast to overtake him in the polls or keep him from the nomination, but I can guarantee that those statements, along with his wife's comments that America is a mean country, will not endear Obama to the average voter. It will make for an interesting general election, and if anyone but Mr. Civilized (read: politically spineless), John McCain, were running against him, we could be looking at quite an opportunity to run away with the election even though it's six months away. As it stands, Obama will likely edge out Hillary for the Dem-Cong nomination, the MSM and the other Dem-Cong enablers will rally around him, McCain will squander this golden opportunity, and we will be in for another razor-thin margin of victory in Election 2008. Here's a linkfest, courtesy of Newsmax (here, here, and here), GOPUSA (here, here, and here), and Emperor Misha (here, here, and here), along with some money quotes below. Obama is not the candidate who transcends race, he is the candidate of race...and while he may not be the second coming of Jesse Jackson as Bill Clinton suggested, he has no qualms about using the same, tired old race-baiting demagoguery and ethnic warfare that has been a staple of the Dem-Cong for the last 40-50 years, so in my book, he's a part of the same sorry lot.
Ron Kessler:
"When we hire anyone for a job, we look at their record. Barack Obama’s record is now clear for all to see. For two decades, Obama has been attending a church where paranoid hatred of America is preached on a regular basis. For two decades, the senator has counted as his minister, friend and adviser a man who says that America created the AIDS virus to kill blacks, puts blacks in prison rather than killing them off, and deserved to be attacked on 9/11 because of its racism."
“If your spiritual advisor makes outrageous statements, it’s incumbent on you as a leader to denounce those statements,” says Brad Blakeman, a former Bush White House aide who heads the conservative Freedom’s Watch. “Silence is an admission that you agree with what your spiritual advisor pronounces.”
Michael Reagan
"Try as he might, Barack Obama cannot claim the innocence of a lamb in his long years of worshipful association with the Reverend Jeremiah Wright. He was either fully aware of the seething racial hatred that motivated Wright, or something of a blithering idiot who can’t spot a racist hater when he spends years genuflecting at his feet.
Barack Obama is not an idiot. He is a brilliant orator who exudes charm and arouses near-worship from his host of giddy, hypnotized supporters. He is also a committed socialist and a talented salesman for his brand of Marxist snake oil.
Beware of camels bearing gifts, and politicians promising utopia."
Doug Patton:
"We are judged not just by our words, but by the company we keep. The litmus test should not be whether or not everyone a candidate knows is ideal. That is an impossible standard. The true measure of a man is in his ability to choose friends with which he can be proud to stand shoulder to shoulder, not those about whom he must equivocate and for whom he must apologize."
Thomas Sowell:
"There was no way that he didn't know about Jeremiah Wright's anti-American and racist diatribes from the pulpit.
Someone once said that a con man's job is not to convince skeptics but to enable people to continue to believe what they already want to believe. Accordingly, Obama's Philadelphia speech -- a theatrical masterpiece -- will probably reassure most Democrats and some other Obama supporters. They will undoubtedly say that we should now "move on," even though many Democrats have still not yet moved on from George W. Bush's 2000 election victory. Like the Soviet show trials during their 1930s purges, Obama's speech was not supposed to convince critics but to reassure supporters and fellow-travelers, in order to keep the "useful idiots" useful."
Michelle Malkin:
"Barack Obama -- the self-anointed soul-fixing, nation-healing political Messiah -- has lost his glow. That is the takeaway from the beleaguered Democratic presidential candidate's "major" speech in Philadelphia yesterday.
For all of his supposedly unique and transcendent understanding of race in America, Obama's talk amounted to the same old, same old. The Glowbama mystique has gone the way of the Emperor's clothes. Instead of accountability, we got excuses. Instead of disavowal of demagoguery, we got whacked with the moral equivalence card. Instead of rejecting the Blame America mantra of left-wing black nationalism, we got more Blame Whitey. Same old, same old. ...
Even as he denied that he was justifying and excusing Wright's demagoguery, Obama was doing just that by invoking slavery, Jim Crow, segregated schools, violence in the inner city and, yes, denial of access to FHA mortgages, to explain how we get to Wright spewing "G-d Damn America!" on Sunday morning."
Emperor Misha
"Not convinced? They’ve been members of this church for over 20 years and contributed $22,500 to in 2006. We can only conclude that the views of this alleged church and pastor agree with their own personal ones. Uncle Jeremiah is simply put, an anti-semitic, segregationist, race-baiting, America-hating bastard. ...
Attempting to down-play the bigoted bastard as representative of other influential black pastors isn’t answering the question. Social Gospel? I suppose that’s the anti-semitic portions of your ideology Jerkemiah. It’s pretty obvious now that we’ve had a peek into the ’spiritual’ life of the Husseinasiah, of his real feelings."
"Hopey McChangitude is just concerned about the pore and oppressed masses, bringing joyous tidings to them in the form of greenbacks freshly stolen from you and me. It’s called “politics” and “buying the votes that brung you."
"Senator Obama’s speech was enlightening, not for his remarks on the ‘original sin’ of slavery, nor how he threw his own grandmother under the bus. What is truly the gist of his remarks is how people that are outraged must be outraged for a reason.
Injecting race into the remarks of Jeremiah Wright is the obvious thing to do, but I don’t care one wit about race. Nor does Barak Obama; except to use the discussion to parry the criticism. The real problem with the Reverend’s comments is the outrageous rhetoric. ...
He seems to be saying that people who are perpetually outraged must have a valid reason and it is up to me to figure it out why and do something about it. ...
I, for one, am outraged that Barack Obama accepts this outrage as “natural“. This is not how civilized people interact. People like this “Reverend” need to be shoved off to the fringe and not be taken seriously. Senator Obama has not marginalized him in 20+ years— he must believe in the way the message is spoken.
For all you outraged people: I’m sorry, but I don’t feel sorry for you."
Friday, March 21, 2008
Monday, March 10, 2008
It's Well Past Time to Send "Palestine" Into the Ash Bin of History
Chalk this up as one more reason I will never get elected President. The terrortards of Palestine celebrate at the news of eight murdered Israeli students, then they name him a "Holy Islamic Martyr"?! Are you kidding me? This is the equivalent of a U.S. President handing out the Presidential Medal of Freedom to a homegrown American terrorist who murdered people in another country (think Adam Gadahn, the California born white guy who turned terrorist and joined Osama and al-Qaeda, and who is now delightfully dead). Read this post by Mike over at Cold Fury, and this one by Emperor Misha (SERIOUS LANGUAGE ALERT!), then let the bedwetting terror enablers worldwide weep when I tell you agree with EVERY. SINGLE. WORD. To hell with the Palestinian apes and their alleged suffering. If Israel decides to let them live, they should do it eating sand and without a nickel of American or Israeli taxpayer money. Give the Palestinians a state? No way, no dice, no how, never should happen. Read Mike and Misha, and you'll know what these 7th century savages really deserve...on a kind day.
Cold Fury
Bribery Backfire
"Mahmoud Abbas’s official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper has honored the killer of the eight high school students gunned down this week with the status of Shahid - Holy Islamic Martyr. In so doing, the PA is sending its people a straightforward message of support for the terror murders and the murderer. According to the PA interpretation of Islam, there is no higher status that a human being can achieve today than that of Shahid.
And there are no more repellent swine currently extant than those who glorify the wanton murder of innocent schoolchildren, and inculcate a reverence in future generations for the filth who perpetuate the endless cycle of Palestinian terrorism. As Gateway Pundit says, somebody really ought to show this to Condoleeza Rice and the other enablers in the hapless, clueless Bush administration — until the dolts finally comprehend that these monstrous savages are not in any way friends or “partners for peace” of any enlightened nation, nor deserving of one more red cent of American support. Capt Ed says it:
We have tried to bargain with Palestinian terrorists for decades. They have reciprocated by aligning themselves with Iran in some cases and continuing their terrorism independently in others. The US has gotten pressed into this position by its European allies, which continue to see Israel as the problem. We need to show them this newspaper and announce that we will pull all support for Abbas and instead fortify the Israelis in order for them to conduct the war that Abbas and Hamas apparently want so badly. That’s infinitely preferable to giving even one cent in support to officials who celebrate the likes of Abu Dheim.
We’ve played along with this sucker’s-bet charade for entirely too long; cut ‘em off. Let ‘em eat sand, until they’re ready to renounce their twisted, genocidal ambitions and join the civilized world — which ought at last to nut up and stop defiling its supposed principles by proffering wretched apologia for these depraved atrocities."
Emperor Misha
"Our friends at Cold Fury note that the subhuman sack of Levantine dogshit who murdered 8 yeshiva students a few days ago is already being eulogized and celebrated by our “partners in the peace process”, the paleswinians.
I don’t know. Perhaps we’re supposed to be grateful that they at least held off the fireworks, sermons and celebrations of the murdering scum ’till after the funerals? If so, NO FUCKING SALE. Yet we’re constantly told by our own so-called “conservative” government that we need to keep pressuring Eretz Yisroel to negotiate with those baby killers and death merchants. I repeat: NO FUCKING SALE.
Yes, I’m a Zionist, and I’m damn proud of it. Few things are more amusing to me that to hear The Usual Suspects sling that label at me in an attempt to insult me. Insult me? What, next you’re going to cut me to the quick by telling me that I’m strikingly handsome and an unrepentant conservative as well? Ouch, please stop! I’m bleeding here! The pain, the PAIN!
There are numerous reasons, too many to mention, why I’m a Zionist, but why not take a couple of the Big Ones?
One, which should be obvious to anybody possessing even a shred of common human decency not to mention intelligence, is that Eretz Yisroel belongs to the Jews. It always has, and you don’t need to dig out or even believe in the Bible to get that one. There has never been a “Palestine” owned and inhabited by Arabs, even a subretarded mongrel with the most basic and rudimentary of reading skills can ascertain that without spending more than half an hour of research on it. Don’t even think about challenging me on that one, because I will ignore it. You might as well argue that the world is flat, that argument would be no less unsupportable by actual facts, and my life is too short to waste time debating that issue as well.
Another is that it is painfully obvious just what happened to the Jews as a result of being thrown out of their ancestral homelands. Sure, you can point to “golden ages” where Gentiles and Jooos have been living together in perfect harmony, but sooner or later the shit is going to hit the fan and people start looking for somebody (other than themselves, of course) to blame for the pissy situation that they’ve brought upon themselves. And guess who that group is going to be? The minority who, being used to hardship and having to make it in foreign lands, actually do well while the locals are getting high on bread, circuses, orgies and self-pity. It’s inevitable. It could even happen here, and don’t kid yourselves by saying that it couldn’t. The solution? Well, I don’t know, maybe letting the Jooos at least have the option of living in a country where they aren’t a minority only accepted for as long as the locals are too busy getting fat and rich to become squirrely about the “outsiders?” A country that just so happens to be the actual country that they were forcibly exiled from, a country that has belonged to them for longer than the fucking Roman Empire? Call me crazy, but I think that it sounds perfectly reasonable. As to the Arab squatters who either sold their land to the Jooos after WWII or ran off hoping that they could come back to reap the spoils once their friends were done murdering all the Jooos: Tough fucking shit. Rule number one about starting a war: If you lose, you don’t get to call for a “do over.” If that’s too fucking hard for you to handle, then I suggest that you sit on your asses and refrain from trying to commit genocide in the first place.
Do we hear massive outcries for the return to Germany of East Prussia, Schlesien, Elsass and Lothringen? No? BECAUSE THEY FUCKING WELL STARTED A WAR AND LOST THOSE TERRITORIES AS A RESULT OF LOSING THE WAR!
Now tell me why different rules apply to the Arabs who already sit on 99% of the Middle East?
I didn’t think you could either. Actually, I KNEW you couldn’t. That’s why questions such as that one are called “rhetorical.”
Second, and this is where all of you secular atheists are more than welcome to tune out, I love you just the same, we just happen to disagree on that one issue which is fine. Really it is. I promise I won’t force you to go to church or kidnap your kids and send them to Sunday School:
The Bible says so and yes, I actually do believe that G-d was serious about what He said. Dead serious. It’s sort of a requirement for this whole “being a Christian” thing, in spite of what the fad “Bible optional” denominations would like to have you believe. More specifically, and this pertains to this whole “we must negotiate with the child killers and give them a state” bullshit, here’s a passage that I lifted from my good friend Steve H. at Hog on Ice (you should read the post too, because it’s excellent):
1 When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you-
2 and when the LORD your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.
3 Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons,
4 for they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods, and the LORD’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you.
5 This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire.
6 For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.
[Deuteronomy 7:1-6]
Pay particular attention to verse 2, and with particular particularity the passage: “Make no treaty with them,”
I don’t know how G-d could be more clear without resorting to modern visual aids such as carefully drawn diagrams an a PowerPoint presentation.
You don’t want to take my word for it that trying to “make peace” with a group of animals most known for being encouraged to lie to the “infidels” in order to gain treaties, or “hudnas”, useful only to keep from being beaten to a pulp until you can regroup and resume your efforts? A group of subhumans whose declared goal, DECLARED GOAL, is to make Eretz Yisroel and, indeed, the whole world “Judenrein?” You still believe that I’m being “too harsh” or even “unreasonable?”
Well take the Word of G-d for it, then. As to myself, that’s good enough for me.
Sadly, and I know this from experience, that one paragraph above will be enough for at least some seculars to completely disregard the five (5) paragraphs above that one where I painstakingly outlined my very secular argument in favor of Eretz Yisroel’s right to exist. I know full well that even my great care in putting the secular argument in front of the religious one won’t have an effect on some people as soon as they reach the bit about G-d. Heaven forbid that they should get the Christofascist Cooties by actually agreeing with somebody who believes in G-d!
I know this will happen, even though I also know that the vast majority of my highly valued secular friends out there will be perfectly capable of separating the two and, frankly, I’m past caring, which I readily admit is a failing of mine as a Christian.
Because I also remember Genesis 12:3
I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.”
And that, in the end, is all that truly matters.
Take your chances if you must. I know that I want to end up with my name in That Book, and I think it’s pretty clear what you have to do or, more importantly, NOT do in order to get there.
Am Yisroel chai!"
Cold Fury
Bribery Backfire
"Mahmoud Abbas’s official Palestinian Authority daily newspaper has honored the killer of the eight high school students gunned down this week with the status of Shahid - Holy Islamic Martyr. In so doing, the PA is sending its people a straightforward message of support for the terror murders and the murderer. According to the PA interpretation of Islam, there is no higher status that a human being can achieve today than that of Shahid.
And there are no more repellent swine currently extant than those who glorify the wanton murder of innocent schoolchildren, and inculcate a reverence in future generations for the filth who perpetuate the endless cycle of Palestinian terrorism. As Gateway Pundit says, somebody really ought to show this to Condoleeza Rice and the other enablers in the hapless, clueless Bush administration — until the dolts finally comprehend that these monstrous savages are not in any way friends or “partners for peace” of any enlightened nation, nor deserving of one more red cent of American support. Capt Ed says it:
We have tried to bargain with Palestinian terrorists for decades. They have reciprocated by aligning themselves with Iran in some cases and continuing their terrorism independently in others. The US has gotten pressed into this position by its European allies, which continue to see Israel as the problem. We need to show them this newspaper and announce that we will pull all support for Abbas and instead fortify the Israelis in order for them to conduct the war that Abbas and Hamas apparently want so badly. That’s infinitely preferable to giving even one cent in support to officials who celebrate the likes of Abu Dheim.
We’ve played along with this sucker’s-bet charade for entirely too long; cut ‘em off. Let ‘em eat sand, until they’re ready to renounce their twisted, genocidal ambitions and join the civilized world — which ought at last to nut up and stop defiling its supposed principles by proffering wretched apologia for these depraved atrocities."
Emperor Misha
"Our friends at Cold Fury note that the subhuman sack of Levantine dogshit who murdered 8 yeshiva students a few days ago is already being eulogized and celebrated by our “partners in the peace process”, the paleswinians.
I don’t know. Perhaps we’re supposed to be grateful that they at least held off the fireworks, sermons and celebrations of the murdering scum ’till after the funerals? If so, NO FUCKING SALE. Yet we’re constantly told by our own so-called “conservative” government that we need to keep pressuring Eretz Yisroel to negotiate with those baby killers and death merchants. I repeat: NO FUCKING SALE.
Yes, I’m a Zionist, and I’m damn proud of it. Few things are more amusing to me that to hear The Usual Suspects sling that label at me in an attempt to insult me. Insult me? What, next you’re going to cut me to the quick by telling me that I’m strikingly handsome and an unrepentant conservative as well? Ouch, please stop! I’m bleeding here! The pain, the PAIN!
There are numerous reasons, too many to mention, why I’m a Zionist, but why not take a couple of the Big Ones?
One, which should be obvious to anybody possessing even a shred of common human decency not to mention intelligence, is that Eretz Yisroel belongs to the Jews. It always has, and you don’t need to dig out or even believe in the Bible to get that one. There has never been a “Palestine” owned and inhabited by Arabs, even a subretarded mongrel with the most basic and rudimentary of reading skills can ascertain that without spending more than half an hour of research on it. Don’t even think about challenging me on that one, because I will ignore it. You might as well argue that the world is flat, that argument would be no less unsupportable by actual facts, and my life is too short to waste time debating that issue as well.
Another is that it is painfully obvious just what happened to the Jews as a result of being thrown out of their ancestral homelands. Sure, you can point to “golden ages” where Gentiles and Jooos have been living together in perfect harmony, but sooner or later the shit is going to hit the fan and people start looking for somebody (other than themselves, of course) to blame for the pissy situation that they’ve brought upon themselves. And guess who that group is going to be? The minority who, being used to hardship and having to make it in foreign lands, actually do well while the locals are getting high on bread, circuses, orgies and self-pity. It’s inevitable. It could even happen here, and don’t kid yourselves by saying that it couldn’t. The solution? Well, I don’t know, maybe letting the Jooos at least have the option of living in a country where they aren’t a minority only accepted for as long as the locals are too busy getting fat and rich to become squirrely about the “outsiders?” A country that just so happens to be the actual country that they were forcibly exiled from, a country that has belonged to them for longer than the fucking Roman Empire? Call me crazy, but I think that it sounds perfectly reasonable. As to the Arab squatters who either sold their land to the Jooos after WWII or ran off hoping that they could come back to reap the spoils once their friends were done murdering all the Jooos: Tough fucking shit. Rule number one about starting a war: If you lose, you don’t get to call for a “do over.” If that’s too fucking hard for you to handle, then I suggest that you sit on your asses and refrain from trying to commit genocide in the first place.
Do we hear massive outcries for the return to Germany of East Prussia, Schlesien, Elsass and Lothringen? No? BECAUSE THEY FUCKING WELL STARTED A WAR AND LOST THOSE TERRITORIES AS A RESULT OF LOSING THE WAR!
Now tell me why different rules apply to the Arabs who already sit on 99% of the Middle East?
I didn’t think you could either. Actually, I KNEW you couldn’t. That’s why questions such as that one are called “rhetorical.”
Second, and this is where all of you secular atheists are more than welcome to tune out, I love you just the same, we just happen to disagree on that one issue which is fine. Really it is. I promise I won’t force you to go to church or kidnap your kids and send them to Sunday School:
The Bible says so and yes, I actually do believe that G-d was serious about what He said. Dead serious. It’s sort of a requirement for this whole “being a Christian” thing, in spite of what the fad “Bible optional” denominations would like to have you believe. More specifically, and this pertains to this whole “we must negotiate with the child killers and give them a state” bullshit, here’s a passage that I lifted from my good friend Steve H. at Hog on Ice (you should read the post too, because it’s excellent):
1 When the LORD your God brings you into the land you are entering to possess and drives out before you many nations—the Hittites, Girgashites, Amorites, Canaanites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, seven nations larger and stronger than you-
2 and when the LORD your God has delivered them over to you and you have defeated them, then you must destroy them totally. Make no treaty with them, and show them no mercy.
3 Do not intermarry with them. Do not give your daughters to their sons or take their daughters for your sons,
4 for they will turn your sons away from following me to serve other gods, and the LORD’s anger will burn against you and will quickly destroy you.
5 This is what you are to do to them: Break down their altars, smash their sacred stones, cut down their Asherah poles and burn their idols in the fire.
6 For you are a people holy to the LORD your God. The LORD your God has chosen you out of all the peoples on the face of the earth to be his people, his treasured possession.
[Deuteronomy 7:1-6]
Pay particular attention to verse 2, and with particular particularity the passage: “Make no treaty with them,”
I don’t know how G-d could be more clear without resorting to modern visual aids such as carefully drawn diagrams an a PowerPoint presentation.
You don’t want to take my word for it that trying to “make peace” with a group of animals most known for being encouraged to lie to the “infidels” in order to gain treaties, or “hudnas”, useful only to keep from being beaten to a pulp until you can regroup and resume your efforts? A group of subhumans whose declared goal, DECLARED GOAL, is to make Eretz Yisroel and, indeed, the whole world “Judenrein?” You still believe that I’m being “too harsh” or even “unreasonable?”
Well take the Word of G-d for it, then. As to myself, that’s good enough for me.
Sadly, and I know this from experience, that one paragraph above will be enough for at least some seculars to completely disregard the five (5) paragraphs above that one where I painstakingly outlined my very secular argument in favor of Eretz Yisroel’s right to exist. I know full well that even my great care in putting the secular argument in front of the religious one won’t have an effect on some people as soon as they reach the bit about G-d. Heaven forbid that they should get the Christofascist Cooties by actually agreeing with somebody who believes in G-d!
I know this will happen, even though I also know that the vast majority of my highly valued secular friends out there will be perfectly capable of separating the two and, frankly, I’m past caring, which I readily admit is a failing of mine as a Christian.
Because I also remember Genesis 12:3
I will bless those who bless you,
and whoever curses you I will curse;
and all peoples on earth
will be blessed through you.”
And that, in the end, is all that truly matters.
Take your chances if you must. I know that I want to end up with my name in That Book, and I think it’s pretty clear what you have to do or, more importantly, NOT do in order to get there.
Am Yisroel chai!"
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Eight More Innocent Israelis Gunned Down in the Name of Allah
In this Jerusalem Post article, we learn the sad news that a Palestinian terrorist (redundant, yes, I know) forced his way into a school and killed eight Jewish students before being killed by police. With all the armed incursions by Mexican drug gangs (supported by Mexican military forces) into the southwestern U.S., it seems like only a matter of time until something similar happens in America. Right now, they seem to be content destroying private property, killing animals, and murdering Border Patrol and police officers from border states to protect their shipments...taking out a bus full of schoolkids in the wrong place at the right time doesn't seem so far fetched. I'm glad the scum who slaughtered these children while they were trying to learn and better themselves (unlike his people, who react to books and knowledge something like vampires do to bullets made out of crosses dripping in garlic) is already getting his just desserts from his 72 Virginians and hopefully some well-endowed demons someplace toasty, but I am getting sick and damn tired of the Israeli version of John Francois Kerry (Prime Minister Ehud Olmert) and the spineless enablers in the Bush Administration conspiring to get innocent Israelis killed every time a Palestinian feels aggrieved. One of the happiest days of my life will be when Israel gets a real leader who tells Hamas they can shut down the attacks or be steamrolled into the next life by the IDF...then does it, and tells the U.N., the EU, and anyone else who doesn't like it to pound sand. Until then, we'll just get more headlines like this one. Read the whole thing, pray for the families of those children, and for the soul and continued existence of Israel.
8 Murdered by Terrorist in Jerusalem
"Police confirmed Friday morning that the Palestinian terrorist who opened fire at central Jerusalem's Mercaz Harav Yeshiva late Thursday night, killing eight students and wounding 11 others, carried a blue Israeli identity card and came from east Jerusalem.
Speaking to Israel Radio, Police Operations Department commander Asst.-Cmdr. Yoram Ohayon said that the attacker was from the village of Jabil Mukaba, near east Talpiyot. He said police were checking whether the gunman had accomplices and how he made his way to the yeshiva.
Meanwhile, Jerusalem police chief Cmdr. Aharon Franco told the radio station that during overnight searches, police had found a car they believed was used by the terrorist. Franco said that it was the car the attacker worked with on a regular basis, estimating that it was the vehicle he used to travel to central Jerusalem to perpetrate the attack.
The names the victims of the shooting attack were released Friday morning.
They were identified as: Yohai Lifshitz, 18, from Jerusalem; Yonatan Yitzhak Eldar, 16, from Shilo; Yonadav Haim Hirschfeld, 19, from Kohav Hashahar, Neria Cohen, 15, also from the capital, Segev Peniel Avihail, 15, from Neve Daniel, Avraham David Moses, 16, from Efrat, Roee Roth, 18, from Elkana and Doron Meherete, 26, from Ashdod.
The funerals of all eight fatalities are due to take place at 10 a.m. Friday.
The 8:45 p.m. shooting at the yeshiva in the Kiryat Moshe neighborhood broke a two-year lull in terror in the capital and sent students scurrying for cover from a hail of gunfire - a reported 500-600 bullets - that lasted for several minutes.
"There were horrendous screams of 'Help us! Help us!'" recounted Avrahami Sheinberger of the ZAKA emergency rescue service, one of the first to respond to the scene. "There were bodies strewn all over the floor, at the entrance to the yeshiva, in various rooms and in the library."
As security forces raced to the scene, the gunman fired round after round of ammunition into the library at the seminary, religious Zionism's flagship institution. About 80 students had gathered in the library to celebrate the Hebrew month of Adar II, which begins on Friday evening.
It was not immediately clear, late Thursday night, whether there was a security guard at the entrance to the yeshiva.
Initial reports of a second terrorist on the loose proved unfounded.
"We heard shooting and knew that something had happened," recounted Yitzhak Dadon, 40, who studies at the yeshiva. Dadon said he cocked his handgun and went up to the roof of the yeshiva, where he saw the terrorist spraying gunfire indiscriminately at the crowd inside. Dadon said he fired two bullets at the terrorist, who began to stumble.
At the same time, police arrived at the scene and an intense gunfight erupted with the terrorist lasting several minutes, witnesses said. The scent of gunpowder wafted in the air as undercover police stormed the building.
Franco said the terrorist was killed by an IDF officer who lives near the yeshiva and raced to the scene.
Rescue workers recounted a grisly picture of students hiding under desks and locking themselves in classrooms to avoid being caught in the hail of bullets.
Yerach Toker, a paramedic for United Hatzola of Israel, said he saw several dead yeshiva students on the library's floor. "Some of them were still holding sacred Jewish books smeared with blood from which they were learning before they were murdered," he said.
"I heard an explosion and I quickly understood that this was gunfire," said Nuri Davidov, 21. "We hid in a room and, from a window, we could see the terrorist opening fire at other students."
"We had just finished evening prayers and suddenly we heard a burst of gunfire," said Dr. Yitzhak Luber, who was attending a class at the yeshiva. "We all immediately ducked on the floor."
Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben Ruby said the dead gunman was wearing a vest that at first appeared to be an explosives vest but turned out to be a belt holding extra ammunition.
Outside the yeshiva after the attack, crowds of angry onlookers shouted "Death to Arabs!" as rescue workers rushed the wounded to city hospitals.
Franco said that there was no specific intelligence warning about such an impending attack, although there were general alerts for terrorist attacks in the city.
Police were on heightened alert ahead of Friday prayers on the Temple Mount after a major IDF operation in the Gaza Strip earlier in the week.
Hizbullah's Al-Manar satellite television station announced Thursday that a relatively unknown Israeli Arab group called the Martyrs of Imad Mughniyeh and Gaza was responsible for the shooting attack. "Galilee Freedom Battalions - the Martyrs of Imad Mughniyeh and Gaza claimed responsibility for the Jerusalem operation," read the message that flashed across Al-Manar's screen.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was informed of the attack after holding security meetings in Tel Aviv. He spoke immediately after the attack with Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski, and held consultations with his advisers and security officials.
Lupolianski told Channel 2, "It's very sad tonight in Jerusalem - many people were killed in the heart of Jerusalem."
The Foreign Ministry said the attack would not stop Israel's peace efforts. "Talks will continue," a spokesman said.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the attack. "The president condemns all attacks that target civilians, whether they are Palestinian or Israeli," the PA said in a statement.
In Gaza City, residents went out into the streets and fired rifles in the air in celebration after hearing news of the attack on the yeshiva.
At Shaare Zedek Medical Center, which is only a few minutes' drive from the yeshiva, the most seriously wounded student - who had bullet holes in many parts of his body - was rushed to the operating room. Spokeswoman Shoham Ruvio said he looked about 18 years old. Two other wounded students were in moderate condition, while four were lightly wounded. The age of the wounded was estimated at 16 to 28.
At Hadassah Medical Center in Ein Kerem, three wounded were received. Two were in serious condition in the trauma room, while one was lightly wounded.
According to eyewitnesses, the students initially thought that the gunfire was fireworks - part of a party underway to celebrate the beginning of Adar II.
The Mercaz Harav Yeshiva is considered the leading national-religious yeshiva in Israel, with hundreds of elite students. Among its thousands of graduates are leading public figures including senior rabbis and IDF officers. It was founded in 1924 by mandatory Palestine's first chief rabbi, Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Hacohen Kook. Its longtime head, Rabbi Avraham Shapira, died in September 2007.
Rabbi David Stav, one of many prominent graduates of the yeshiva, which has produced the bulk of the spiritual leadership of religious Zionism in Israel, said that the attack had been directed at the heart of religious Zionism.
"Mercaz Harav is the flagship of the entire religious Zionist movement," said Stav. "The terrorist targeted a place that symbolizes love for the land of Israel, love for the people of Israel and love for the Torah. No Jewish soul can remain indifferent to the horrible thought that a despicable terrorist attacked a group of young men who were busy studying the holy Torah."
Stav, who has been involved in interfaith dialogue with Israeli Muslim spiritual leaders via an organization called Kedem, said that Thursday night's attack underscores the cruelty and evil of Islamic-inspired terrorism. "Followers of Islam claim they respect the people of the book. But this horrific act proves the emptiness of their claims."
Rabbi David Simhon, the educational director of the yeshiva, said "the people of Israel will not be broken" by attacks such as this."
8 Murdered by Terrorist in Jerusalem
"Police confirmed Friday morning that the Palestinian terrorist who opened fire at central Jerusalem's Mercaz Harav Yeshiva late Thursday night, killing eight students and wounding 11 others, carried a blue Israeli identity card and came from east Jerusalem.
Speaking to Israel Radio, Police Operations Department commander Asst.-Cmdr. Yoram Ohayon said that the attacker was from the village of Jabil Mukaba, near east Talpiyot. He said police were checking whether the gunman had accomplices and how he made his way to the yeshiva.
Meanwhile, Jerusalem police chief Cmdr. Aharon Franco told the radio station that during overnight searches, police had found a car they believed was used by the terrorist. Franco said that it was the car the attacker worked with on a regular basis, estimating that it was the vehicle he used to travel to central Jerusalem to perpetrate the attack.
The names the victims of the shooting attack were released Friday morning.
They were identified as: Yohai Lifshitz, 18, from Jerusalem; Yonatan Yitzhak Eldar, 16, from Shilo; Yonadav Haim Hirschfeld, 19, from Kohav Hashahar, Neria Cohen, 15, also from the capital, Segev Peniel Avihail, 15, from Neve Daniel, Avraham David Moses, 16, from Efrat, Roee Roth, 18, from Elkana and Doron Meherete, 26, from Ashdod.
The funerals of all eight fatalities are due to take place at 10 a.m. Friday.
The 8:45 p.m. shooting at the yeshiva in the Kiryat Moshe neighborhood broke a two-year lull in terror in the capital and sent students scurrying for cover from a hail of gunfire - a reported 500-600 bullets - that lasted for several minutes.
"There were horrendous screams of 'Help us! Help us!'" recounted Avrahami Sheinberger of the ZAKA emergency rescue service, one of the first to respond to the scene. "There were bodies strewn all over the floor, at the entrance to the yeshiva, in various rooms and in the library."
As security forces raced to the scene, the gunman fired round after round of ammunition into the library at the seminary, religious Zionism's flagship institution. About 80 students had gathered in the library to celebrate the Hebrew month of Adar II, which begins on Friday evening.
It was not immediately clear, late Thursday night, whether there was a security guard at the entrance to the yeshiva.
Initial reports of a second terrorist on the loose proved unfounded.
"We heard shooting and knew that something had happened," recounted Yitzhak Dadon, 40, who studies at the yeshiva. Dadon said he cocked his handgun and went up to the roof of the yeshiva, where he saw the terrorist spraying gunfire indiscriminately at the crowd inside. Dadon said he fired two bullets at the terrorist, who began to stumble.
At the same time, police arrived at the scene and an intense gunfight erupted with the terrorist lasting several minutes, witnesses said. The scent of gunpowder wafted in the air as undercover police stormed the building.
Franco said the terrorist was killed by an IDF officer who lives near the yeshiva and raced to the scene.
Rescue workers recounted a grisly picture of students hiding under desks and locking themselves in classrooms to avoid being caught in the hail of bullets.
Yerach Toker, a paramedic for United Hatzola of Israel, said he saw several dead yeshiva students on the library's floor. "Some of them were still holding sacred Jewish books smeared with blood from which they were learning before they were murdered," he said.
"I heard an explosion and I quickly understood that this was gunfire," said Nuri Davidov, 21. "We hid in a room and, from a window, we could see the terrorist opening fire at other students."
"We had just finished evening prayers and suddenly we heard a burst of gunfire," said Dr. Yitzhak Luber, who was attending a class at the yeshiva. "We all immediately ducked on the floor."
Jerusalem police spokesman Shmuel Ben Ruby said the dead gunman was wearing a vest that at first appeared to be an explosives vest but turned out to be a belt holding extra ammunition.
Outside the yeshiva after the attack, crowds of angry onlookers shouted "Death to Arabs!" as rescue workers rushed the wounded to city hospitals.
Franco said that there was no specific intelligence warning about such an impending attack, although there were general alerts for terrorist attacks in the city.
Police were on heightened alert ahead of Friday prayers on the Temple Mount after a major IDF operation in the Gaza Strip earlier in the week.
Hizbullah's Al-Manar satellite television station announced Thursday that a relatively unknown Israeli Arab group called the Martyrs of Imad Mughniyeh and Gaza was responsible for the shooting attack. "Galilee Freedom Battalions - the Martyrs of Imad Mughniyeh and Gaza claimed responsibility for the Jerusalem operation," read the message that flashed across Al-Manar's screen.
Prime Minister Ehud Olmert was informed of the attack after holding security meetings in Tel Aviv. He spoke immediately after the attack with Defense Minister Ehud Barak and Jerusalem Mayor Uri Lupolianski, and held consultations with his advisers and security officials.
Lupolianski told Channel 2, "It's very sad tonight in Jerusalem - many people were killed in the heart of Jerusalem."
The Foreign Ministry said the attack would not stop Israel's peace efforts. "Talks will continue," a spokesman said.
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas condemned the attack. "The president condemns all attacks that target civilians, whether they are Palestinian or Israeli," the PA said in a statement.
In Gaza City, residents went out into the streets and fired rifles in the air in celebration after hearing news of the attack on the yeshiva.
At Shaare Zedek Medical Center, which is only a few minutes' drive from the yeshiva, the most seriously wounded student - who had bullet holes in many parts of his body - was rushed to the operating room. Spokeswoman Shoham Ruvio said he looked about 18 years old. Two other wounded students were in moderate condition, while four were lightly wounded. The age of the wounded was estimated at 16 to 28.
At Hadassah Medical Center in Ein Kerem, three wounded were received. Two were in serious condition in the trauma room, while one was lightly wounded.
According to eyewitnesses, the students initially thought that the gunfire was fireworks - part of a party underway to celebrate the beginning of Adar II.
The Mercaz Harav Yeshiva is considered the leading national-religious yeshiva in Israel, with hundreds of elite students. Among its thousands of graduates are leading public figures including senior rabbis and IDF officers. It was founded in 1924 by mandatory Palestine's first chief rabbi, Rabbi Avraham Yitzhak Hacohen Kook. Its longtime head, Rabbi Avraham Shapira, died in September 2007.
Rabbi David Stav, one of many prominent graduates of the yeshiva, which has produced the bulk of the spiritual leadership of religious Zionism in Israel, said that the attack had been directed at the heart of religious Zionism.
"Mercaz Harav is the flagship of the entire religious Zionist movement," said Stav. "The terrorist targeted a place that symbolizes love for the land of Israel, love for the people of Israel and love for the Torah. No Jewish soul can remain indifferent to the horrible thought that a despicable terrorist attacked a group of young men who were busy studying the holy Torah."
Stav, who has been involved in interfaith dialogue with Israeli Muslim spiritual leaders via an organization called Kedem, said that Thursday night's attack underscores the cruelty and evil of Islamic-inspired terrorism. "Followers of Islam claim they respect the people of the book. But this horrific act proves the emptiness of their claims."
Rabbi David Simhon, the educational director of the yeshiva, said "the people of Israel will not be broken" by attacks such as this."
Saturday, March 1, 2008
March 2008 Resolutions
My March 2008 resolutions are as follows:
1.) To do my very best to floss daily. Unfortunately, I did not inherit very good dental genetics, and although brushing and using mouthwash regularly is good, my dentist has kept on me about flossing to avoid future root canals. So, I guess there is no time like the present.
2.) To start training mixed martial arts, beginning with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I've pretty much always been a fan of the UFC, but I haven't done any real martial arts training, well, ever. Even without formal training, my stand-up game is not terrible, but it could use some work (perhaps with a good boxing and/or Muay Thai coach). I think I have found the gym I will likely join if I like the facilities and the instructors. Here is the website, and best of all, it's about 5-10 minutes from my fiancee's condo. I know it will probably be tough, but I'd like to give it a shot. Besides, having been an athlete for most of my childhood and a decent part of my adult life, lifting weights gets boring sometimes. Even with new routines, there's only so much of that you can do. Add to that the fact that all the brute strength in the world isn't going to help you against someone with superior training, especially if the fight goes to the ground. I'm excited to give it a shot and see what happens.
1.) To do my very best to floss daily. Unfortunately, I did not inherit very good dental genetics, and although brushing and using mouthwash regularly is good, my dentist has kept on me about flossing to avoid future root canals. So, I guess there is no time like the present.
2.) To start training mixed martial arts, beginning with Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. I've pretty much always been a fan of the UFC, but I haven't done any real martial arts training, well, ever. Even without formal training, my stand-up game is not terrible, but it could use some work (perhaps with a good boxing and/or Muay Thai coach). I think I have found the gym I will likely join if I like the facilities and the instructors. Here is the website, and best of all, it's about 5-10 minutes from my fiancee's condo. I know it will probably be tough, but I'd like to give it a shot. Besides, having been an athlete for most of my childhood and a decent part of my adult life, lifting weights gets boring sometimes. Even with new routines, there's only so much of that you can do. Add to that the fact that all the brute strength in the world isn't going to help you against someone with superior training, especially if the fight goes to the ground. I'm excited to give it a shot and see what happens.
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